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摘 要 电力作为国民经济的基础和关键行业,在日常生产和生活中起着不可替代的重要作用。随着电力事业的高速发展,电力营销由以生产为中心阶段进入以消费者为中心阶段。提供良好的服务,是以消费者为中心最为直接的体现,也是增供扩销必不可少的条件。 Struts 的 MVC 设计模式,利用其可维护性和可扩展性,软件低耦合、高内聚的设计,实现了电力故障报修系统中对于报修信息的处理。电力故障报修系统主要包括报修受理、抢修调度、报修处理、报修回访、报修归档、用户管理、人员管理、车辆管理等功能。通过电力故障报修系统的应用,强化内部管理、改善服务质量,创新营销体系管理理念 本系统采用 JSP 和 Struts 框架技术,使用 Oracle 9i数据库,Tomcat 服务器环境完成了电力故障报修系统对电力故障信息的处理。系统开发完成后,经过了功能测试和系统测试,现处于试运行中。电力故障报修系统的完成,为电力行业带来了工作的高效,同时也保证了信息的安全,提升了客户对电力企业的信赖。 关键词:电力故障报修系统;客户服务;J2EE;Struts框架 Abstract Electricity as the basis of the national economy and key industries, production and daily life in the day-to-day plays an irreplaceable role. With the rapid development of power industry, electricity sales from the production stage as the center as the center stage of the consumer. Provide good services to the consumer as the center is the most direct manifestation of, but also for the expansion by an indispensable condition for sale. In this paper, customer service is the System of Electricity Power Failure in the repair subsystem detail design process. The system is based on the MVC design pattern Struts, use its maintainability and scalability, software, low coupling, high cohesion of the design, the realization of the system of electricity power failure to deal with repair information. System of electricity power failure including the admissibility of repair, repair scheduling, repair processing, repair return, repair archiving, user management, personnel management, vehicle management functions. Through the system of electricity power failure, strengthen the internal management of the power industry to improve the service quality, and accelerated the repair rate of a power failure, the increases in customer satisfaction, innovation and management of the marketing system. The system uses the framework of JSP and Struts technology, the use of Oracle 9i database, Tomcat server environment to complete that system of electricity power failure repair information for the handling of power failure.


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