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关键词: 复杂网络 中小企业发展 企业关系网 市场交易
With the socia-economic’s developing, the development of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) is gradually speeded up, is an integral part in the socio-economic development. In China, SME is an important force in Chinas national economy, the expansion of employment, active the markets, increase tax revenue, stability and form a reasonable social and economic structure, and promote Chinas economic development and institutional innovation .It is playing an irreplaceable role.
Complex networks is a new theory that being used and researched extensively in recent years, it has a strong develop potential. In this paper, we use the complex networks’ knowledge, establish the linkages between enterprises from the perspective of the market transactions, build a business relationship network model. Through analysising the model’s statistical properties of complex networks: the average path length, clustering coefficient and degree distribution, and studying the complex networks characteristics of the enterprise relationships network, showing that the business relationship network has the characteristic of small-world network, scale-free properties and the characteristic of local area network.The result is the development of SME in our country should be in the basics of improving their own, and build relationships with other enterprises as much as possible, in order to lay a good foundation for their own development.
Keywords: complex networks the development of SME business relationship network market transaction目录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 选题背景及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 3
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