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分清主从,把握文理 1)抓主谓结构 3)抓逻辑关系 2)抓关键信息 4)抓表达方式 金磊 (2012210128) 崔文瑶(2012210126) 置身于 可以令你想起香港;稠密的 则令你忆起东京;那横跨于长江两岸、 建筑物又会让你记起纽约。 (1)抓主谓结构 (主subject、谓predicate、宾object) Brawn的定语 (attribute) 仿效布鲁克林大桥豁然耸立的庞大的新 人口 Plan 的定语(attribute) 未来的五年内 此后五年 新建城区 重庆希望 搬迁 Areas 的定语 (3)抓逻辑关系(logical relationship) Before we start to translate a long or involved English sentence, we must first make analysis of it, making sure of the logical as well as time relationships between parts of a sentence. 例:China has built megacities(大城市) before, of course .The country’s rich east abounds with them, strung along the coast from Tianjin in the north to Shenzhen in the far south like so many peals(珍珠). 当然,中国以前已有一些超大城市,尤其在富裕的东部地区为数不少。这些城市从华北的天津到最南端的深圳,像一串珍珠镶嵌在中国沿海各地。 (4)抓表达方式(turn of expression) 例:Everywhere one looks here, there are new expressways, new bridges and towering new housing complexes(综合设施) rising, so many in fact that it is the occasional glimpse of something old, rather than the sight of anything new, that takes one’s breath away. 从这里的每一处角落,你都可以看到新建的高速公路,新架的桥梁和新盖的拔地而起的住宅楼。这类新建筑实在是太多了,令人目不暇接,以至于让人感到惊讶不已的往往不是什么新的高楼大厦,而是偶然瞥见一座旧建筑。 Analysis: We can not translate ‘So many in fact that’ directly, according to the turn of expression, we can translate it into“这类建筑实在太多了”。Furthermore, we can put ‘takes one’s breath away’ in front of the sentence, and translate it into “让人感到惊讶不已的是”。


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