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摘 要 本建筑为山东省青岛市的XX公司办公楼,设计采用钢筋混凝土全现浇框架结构,建筑层数为五层,底层为产品展厅,二至四层为办公室,五层为设备用房及贮藏空间。建筑总高度为19.3m,总建筑面积约为4648.4m2,其中底层占地面积为1054 m2。根据设计的要求,设计使用年限为50年,抗震设防烈度为6度,抗震等级为三级。 首先对建筑进行施工图预算,包括基础部分、主体部分、装饰装修部分及各构件的钢筋工程量计算,在施工图预算中我熟悉了各构件工程量计算规则,并参阅了大量参考资料。其次是对外脚手架的计算,包含了脚手板、纵横向水平杆、立杆的弯矩及挠度的验算等。最后是施工组织设计,通过施工组织设计得出了横道图及施工平面图。 通过对该工程的施工图预算和施工组织设计,熟悉了构件的设计,掌握了工程量计算的基本方法,同时,对四年所学的专业知识和基本概念有了更加深刻的理解,在一定程度上提高了分析和解决实际问题的能力。 关键词:框架结构,钢筋混凝土结构,施工组织设计 ABSTRACT The construction of XX office building, Shandong Province of qingdao designed with the framework of cast-in-place reinforced concrete structure, the floors of the construction is five and the bottom floor is used as exhibition halls, the floors from 2 to 4 are office. The top of the building is used as equipment room or stock room. The total height of construction is about 19.3m with total construction area of about 4648.4 m2, which covers the bottom of 1054 m2. According to the design requirements, design life span of 50 years, earthquake intensity of 6 degrees, seismic rating for three. First of graduation project is working drawing estimate, include the calculation of foundation、the principal part of a project、the fitment and the calculation of steel bar of every component, during the working drawing estimate, I have been up on the rule of it’s calculation and reference a lot of materials .second part is the calculation of falsework, include the moment and flexivity of ledger board, barling and vertical pole. Finally, construction management plan. In this part we got Gantt chart and construction plan. Through the working drawing estimate and construction plan, tectonic maps on the mapping and structural design familiar with the whole process of design, structural design mastered the basic calculation method, and for four years learning the expertise and the basic concept has a more profound understanding of, to some extent improved to analyze and solve practical problems. KEY WORDS: frame structure,reinforced concrete structur


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