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山西煤炭管理干部学院成人高等教育 毕 业 论 文 论 文 题 目: 电机绝缘结构故障诊断与研究 姓   名: 张盈利 专业及年级: 矿山机电2011 教 学 点: 临 汾 电机绝缘结构故障诊断与研究 摘要:电机绝缘结构是各类电气设备(包括发电机、电动机、变压器、开关、继电器、家用电器等)的重要组成部分,其作用是隔离带电体与地,以及异体之间的不同电位。电器设备通电后,绝缘结构上就承受了工作电压,绝缘结构性能优劣直接影响到电气设备的安全性,可靠性和使用寿命。对于任何一台电机来说,定、转子绕组,以及铁芯叠片之间的电气绝缘对电机的使用安全、可靠性及寿命有重大影响,绝缘故障会直接间接地引起电机故障,降低可靠性和导致强迫停机,增加维修工作和修理费用。 本文对电机绝缘故障产产生原因进行了分析,并对绝缘老化进行了分类,对低压异步电机和交流电机的绝缘结构作了介绍。给出了常用的电机绝缘故障诊断方法和诊断程序,并在此基础上介绍了传感器和虚拟仪器在电机绝缘故障检测中的应用,最后通过一组试验对电机绝缘故障的产生与处理进行了详细的分析。 关键词:电机、绝缘、结构、故障诊断 Motor insulation fault diagnosis and research Abstract: motor insulation structure is all kinds of electric equipment (including generators, motors, transformers, switch, relays, household electric appliances, etc) is an important part of, its effect is belt electricity body and ground, and with the difference between the potential. Electrical equipment after electrify, insulation structure on the work under voltage, insulation structure performance quality directly affect the electrical equipment safety, reliability and service life. For any motor for, the stator and the rotor winding, and between laminated core of the electrical insulation of the use of motor safety and reliability and life has great influence, insulation fault will direct indirect cause electrical fault, reduce the reliability and lead to forced outage, increase the cost of repair and maintenance work. This paper in motor insulation fault reasons were analyzed, and the insulation aging, the classification of low voltage ac induction motor and ac motor insulation structure is introduced in this paper. Given the commonly used motor insulation fault diagnosis method and the diagnosis program, and based on this, advances the sensor and the virtual instruments in motor insulation fault detection, the application by a set of test last motor insulation fault production and processing the detailed analysis. Keywords: m


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