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编号: 毕业设计(论文)说明书 题 目: 高保真音响设计制作 院 (系): 计算机系 专 业: 自动化 题目类型: 理论研究 实验研究 工程设计 工程技术研究 软件开发 摘 要 随着国家经济蒸蒸日上,现代科技不断发展,这些使人们在物质享受之余,也有了更多的精神享受的需要。其中之一:音乐,便是一种古老的享受形式。而高保真音响就是欣赏音乐的物质基础。 本论文将以性价比为导向,兼顾基本的高保真的技术指标,讨论了适合初级发烧友的高保真功放。论文由浅至深,结合图示给出了高保真音响的相关知识,以及整个功放的工作过程的细节。同时还介绍了各个主要芯片自身的特点及如何去设计这个系统来满足一定的技术指标。论文尽可能通俗地来介绍高保真音响,让大家能从中学到基本的高保真音响的知识的同时,还能学会如何制作高保真音频放大器。 在技术层面上,系统主要是采用集成芯片来完成的,因此对于一个初级发烧友来说相对简单,这个设计中用到了NE5532(曾经的“运放之皇”)做前置放大芯片,典型的增益为20dB;用NSC公司的LM1036做音调芯片,通过改变直流控制电压来实现音调控制。后级功率放大部分用的也是NSC公司的一款经典芯片――LM1875芯片,用4片LM1875驳接成了左右声道的BTL电路,以取得更大的功率以及更好的音效。 在论文的后面部分,着重的讲述了制作和调试中遇到的软件、硬件上的问题以及如何解决,并给出了高保真音频放大器性能指标的国家标准测量方法。这些可以成为大家制作过程中的一些的提示以及测试的依据。 关键词:高保真;集成芯片;BTL;音调控制 Abstract With the development of our country’s economy and the modern technology. People no –longer just enjoy the happy brought from material, they also learned to enjoy the spiritual things. For instance: Music, an old fashion of the enjoyments. And Hi-Fi(high fidelity) audio system is the very suitable intermedia for enjoying music. So this dissertation focused on the Hi-Fi amplifiers for those primary audiophiles on this field. It tried to let people cost less and at the same moment , get enough enjoyment from Hi-Fi amplifiers and satisfy those basic standards of Hi-Fi system. This dissertation presented the ideas from easy to hard, and described the relative knowledge of the Hi-Fi audio system with those graphics and diagrams. It also wrote about the details of the whole working process of this design gradually. This dissertation also introduced those characteristics of those chips used in my design, and how to realize those system’s targets given .The dissertation tried to introduce Hi-Fi audio system commonly,and let you learn some basic knowledge of this Hi-Fi system, at the same time , eventually learn how to accomplish a Hi-Fi audio amplifier. Refer to the technology, IC was used to finish this graduate design, because it


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