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科技与艺术学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 顾客感知价值与顾客消费情感的关系研究——以杭州物美超市为例 系 别 经 管 系 专业班级 08营销 姓 名 学 号 指导老师 系主任 2012年 4 月 18 日 理 工 大 学 科 技 与 艺 术 学 院 毕业论文诚信声明 我谨在此保证:本人所写的毕业论文,凡引用他人的研究成果均已在参考文献或注释中列出。论文主体均由本人独立完成,没有抄袭、剽窃他人已经发表或未发表的研究成果行为。如出现以上违反知识产权的情况,本人愿意承担相应的责任。 声明人(签名): 年 月 日 摘 要 顾客感知价值是比较成熟的理论,然而消费者情感的研究则相对较少,顾客感知价值与顾客消费情感之间的关系研究则出于起步阶段。然后在顾客感性消费的大背景下,如何提高顾客感知价值从而营造顾客正面的顾客消费情感,对企业提高竞争力很有借鉴意义。 超市行业顾客人流量大且群体分布广泛便于笔者收集顾客资料,因此本文选取该行业对顾客感知价值和顾客消费情感之间的关系进行研究。在回顾与总结国内外学者关于顾客感知价值、顾客消费情感以及二者关系研究的基础上,借鉴科特勒顾客让渡价值模型以及国外学者对顾客消费情感的分类,创建了自己的研究模型。研究过程中假设顾客感知价值与顾客正面消费情感呈正相关,接着研究顾客价值各个二级指标是否与正面消费情感呈显著相关。通过spss17.0主要进行相关性分析以及回归分析,证实了顾客感知价值与顾客消费情感存在显著相关关系。 关键词:顾客感知价值;顾客消费情感;实证分析;对策 ABSTRACT Customer perceived value is a more mature theory, however, consumer sentiment study is relatively small, customer perceived value and customer consumption emotions relationship are out of the initial research stage. Then the customer emotional context of consumption, how to improve customer perceived value to the customer to create a positive customer consumption emotions have enterprises of referential significance to improve competitiveness. The supermarket industry has a large flow of people and groups of customers are widely distributed. It’s easy for me to collect customer information. This article select supermarket to study the relationship between the customer perceived value and customer consumption emotion. In the review and summary of domestic and foreign scholars on customer perceived value, customer consumption emotion and the relationship between the two studies,I create my own research model reference to customer delivered value of Kotler and the two consumer sentiment classification from foreign scholars. Course of the study assumed the positive customer perceived value and positive customer consumption emotions was positively correlated.Then I will see wheth


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