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XXXXXX学院 本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 中文题目: 我国中小企业网络营销策略研究 外文题目: Study on the Internet Marketing Strategies for SMEs in China 学 号:___ _XXXXXXXX ____ 姓 名:____ XXX__ ___ 年 级:____ _XXXX级__ __ 专 业:XXXXXXXXXX 系 别:_ XXXXXXXXXX_ _ 指导教师:____ XXXXXXX___ _ _ 完成日期:XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 摘 要 随着信息技术的快速发展,人类社会进入了信息时代。在人类进行自我认知的大背景以及互联网技术发展的小背景下,越来越多的企业开始关注网络营销,并大力发展网络营销,利用互联网寻找新的商机。为企业自身发展开拓了新的营销渠道。 由于我国的信息网络构建起步晚,普及网络营销知识滞后,导致了我国企业对于网络营销这一新的营销方式在了解和认识方面的不足。尤其是中小型企业,缺乏专业机构的指引,对当前网络营销主流发展趋势缺乏实时性的了解,使得这些中小型企业在进行网络营销活动过程中遇到很多问题,走了很多弯路,甚至造成了很多不必要的经济损失。 本文在介绍网络营销的发展历程后,结合我国网络营销现状以及我国中小企业的网络营销存在的问题,提出中小企业发展网络营销的对策,分析了SEO和SNS两种新型网络营销模式,并对2012年网络购物的发展趋势进行了预测。 关键词:中小企业;互联网;网络营销 Abstract With the rapid development of information technology, human society into the information age. In the background of human self-awareness and the development of Internet technology, more and more companies started to pay attention to network marketing, and join the network marketing, through the network marketing to find new business opportunities. This new sales channels enhance the companies development. However, due to Chinas information network construction started late, and The lag of the knowledge-sharing about where to get the Internet marketing knowledge, have led to Chinas enterprises for network marketing, new marketing approach in understanding and knowledge gaps. Especially small and medium enterprises(SMEs). Because those companies lack the real-time understanding of the main trends on the current network marketing, making these small and medium enterprises during the many problems encountered in the process of online marketing activities, and take a lot of detours, and even caused a lot of unnecessary economic losses. This paper introduce the course of development of the network marketing, combined with the actual data and actual case analysis, a comprehensive analysis of modern business model, that of Network Marketing part of the status q



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