
本科毕业论文 基于DSP的交通灯控制系统的设计.doc

本科毕业论文 基于DSP的交通灯控制系统的设计.doc

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基于DSP的交通灯控制系统的设计 摘要 道路交通灯的控制和很多行业的设备都与计算机密切相关。因此,一个好的交道路通灯控制系统,将会给道路拥挤、车辆违章控制等方面给予技术革新。随着大规模集成电路及计算机技术的迅速发展,以及人工智能在控制技术方面的广泛深入运用,智能交通灯控制设备有了很大的发展,是目前交通灯控制系统发展的主流方向。 本文介绍了一个智能交通灯控制系统的设计。该智能交通灯控制系统可以实现的功能主要有:对某市区的主要交通路口进行控制;使各路口有固定的工作周期,并且在道路拥挤时中控中心能够改变交通灯的变换周期。 该设计以DSP TMS320VC5509为路口控制核心,以单个路口控制为研究对象,与PC机之间的的通信采用MAX232进行转换。作为整个交通网络最小研究单元的单个交叉路口,对于单个路口的控制方法的研究是整个交通灯控制网路的研究基础,具有非常重要的意义。 关键词 交通灯 Design of Integrated Control System of Lights Based on DSP Abstract The age is an automatic age nowadays and With the rapid development of automobile and traffic management, the heavy traffic problem in the big sities becomes more and more serious, and the solution by increasing new road and constraining the vehicle is not the most economical and effective measures. How to solve traffic problems in existing condition is worth considering. Transportation light control and the devices in many professions is closely related with computers.Therefore, a good transportation light control system, will give technique innovation hustle for the road, the illegal control etc.Along with the technical quick development of the large scale integration,the computer techknowledge, and the wide use of the artificial intelligence in the control system, the intelligence control equipment have a very big development, which is the essential direction in the modern science and technology development. This article introduces a design of an intelligence transportation light system.The intelligences transportation light control system can carry out of these functions:Carry on the main transportation street corners of some downtown;Each street corner contain a fixed work period, and control centercan change its period when the traffic is heavy. The design uses the intersection control TMS320VC5509 by DSP core, with a single intersection control as the research object, and the communications between PCs by using MAX232 conversion. As the minimum single intersection in the traffic network research unit,a


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