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摘 要 在当今大规模制造业中,企业为提高生产效率,保障产品质量,普遍重视生产过程的自动化程度,工业机器人作为自动化生产线上的重要成员,逐渐被企业所认同并采用。工业机器人的技术水平和应用程度在一定程度上反映了一个国家工业自动化的水平,目前,工业机器人主要承担着焊接、喷涂、搬运以及堆垛等重复性并且劳动强度极大的工作,工作方式一般采取示教再现的方式。 本文主要介绍了平面关节型机械手用于给设备运送物料。机械手的大、小手臂分别在互相垂直的两个平面内摆动,结构紧凑,占地面积小。采用机械手后速度提高,减轻了劳动强度,并保证了安全生产。该设计包括各控制系统的组成及结构、伺服运动控制系统的设计及单片机控制电路等内容,最终实现机械手的优势功能。 关键词:工业机器人 机械手 伺服运动控制系统 单片机控制电路 Abstract In todays large-scale manufacturing enterprises to improve production efficiency, protect the quality of products, the general emphasis on the degree of automation of production processes, industrial robots, automated production line as an important member of gradually recognized and adopted by enterprises. Industrial robot technology and applications to some extent reflect the extent of a countrys level of industrial automation, at present, industrial robot is mainly responsible for the welding, coating, handling, and stacking and other repetitive, and the labor-intensive work, work approach generally adopted way of teaching-playback. This paper describes the planar articulated robot to the device used for transportation of materials. Manipulator large and small arms perpendicular to each other respectively in the two plane swing, compact structure, small footprint. After the mechanical hand speed, reducing labor intensity, and to ensure safety in production. The design including the composition and structure of control system, servo motion control system design and MCU control circuit etc., and ultimately the advantages of robot capabilities. Key words: Industrial Robot Robot Servo Motion Control Systems MCU control circuit 目 录 摘 要 1 Abstract………………………………………………………………………………………….2 1 绪论 5 2机械手的产生与发展 6 2.1机械手的历史 6 2.2 应用简况 7 2.3 发展趋势 7 2.4机械手的分类 8 2.5机械手的组成和动力源的比较 9 2.5.1机械手的组成 9 2.5.2执行机构 9 2.5.3驱动机构 10 2.5.4控制系统 11 2.6应用机械手的意义 11 2.6.1以提高生产过程中的自动化程度 11 2.6.2以改善劳动条件,避免人身事故 11 2.6.3可以减轻人力,并便于有节奏的生产 12 3机械手的设计 12 3.1机械手的选定 12 3.2动作分析 14 3.2.1手部 14 3.2.2手臂的前后伸缩部分 15 3.2.3手臂的上下升降部分 15 3.2.4腰转部分 15 3.3传动部件选定 15 3.4选择臂部


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