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本 科 生 毕 业 论 文 题 目:40%高炉渣微晶玻璃的制备及物理性能研究 摘要 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z \u 高炉渣是目前我国冶金工业中排放量很大的一种废渣,大部分高炉渣用作矿渣水泥的原材料,虽然可以制备出对水泥浆附着性良好、有较高强度的安全骨料,但其附加值较低,不利于推动社会经济的可持续化发展。高炉渣的主要成分为:CaO、SiO2、Al2O3、MgO,这些成分与制备玻璃的原料相近。以高炉渣为主要原料制备微晶玻璃对于提高高炉渣利用的附加值,以及对废弃资源的综合利用具有重要的现实意义。 本文以包钢高炉渣为主要原料,通过添加B2O3助熔剂,采用熔融法制备了CaO(MgO)-Al2O3-SiO2系统高炉渣微晶玻璃,其主晶相为普通辉石(CaSiO3)和透辉石(Ca·Mg(SiO3)2)。运用DSC、XRD和SEM等现代检测分析手段对高炉渣微晶玻璃的物相组成和显微结构进行了分析,测定了其力学性能,得知微晶玻璃的晶体形核是一个吸热的过程,形核温度大约是750℃;结晶是一个放热的过程其晶化温度是969℃。显微结构表明,晶粒呈不规则的多边形分布,其平均粒径约10μm。物理性能,如:抗折强度为107.171MPa、显微硬度是750kgf/mm2、密度3.315 关键词:高炉渣;微晶玻璃;制备;物理性能 Glass-ceramics preparation containing 40% blast furnace slags and physical properties research Abstract Along with the booming of metallurgy industry in our country,the amount of blast slag is increasing rapidly,which caused a serious imbalance between man and nature.The blast slag can be used to produce cement,but it is not the most effective way to solve the environment problems caused by this kind of solid waste. The blast slag is mostly composed of CaO、SiO2、Al2O3、MgO,which are closed to the compositions of glass-ceramics materials.So it is apromising method to prepare glass-ceramics materials by using the blast slag. In this paper,a kind of blast slag produced by a certain steel corporation in Baotou iron and steel groups blast furnace was used as raw materials together with fluxing agent such as B2O3,to prepare glass-ceramics by melting method.The major crystalline of the glass-ceramics was augite(CaSiO3)and diopside(Ca·Mg(SiO3)2).DSC was used to ascertain the heat-treatment temperature system,and XRD together with SEM to characterize the phase composition and microstructureof the glass-ceramics,and some other physical properties of this material were also examined. Learned that crystallite glass crystal nucleation is a absorption process,Nucleation temperature is about 750 ℃;Crystallization is an exothermic process and the crystallization temperature is 969 ℃. Microscopic structure shows that the grai


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