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毕业设计(论文) 基于光纤光栅技术的跳频光码 分多址通信系统分析 摘 要光码分多址(OCDMA)技术是未来高速全光通信网络的备选方案之一, 有着其独特的优势它可以更加有效的利用光纤所能提供的巨大带宽,不需要全网的时钟同步,可以实现灵活的用户接入,并且使灵活的光交换成为可能,它的突出特点就是给用户分配特定的地址码从而使多用户共享同一信道.目前正处于发展的初期阶段.在未来网络的全光化中,OCDMA技术将扮演重要角色. 本文着重研究光码分多址系统中编解码技术,光纤光栅原理技术,DS/FH编解码技术等关键技术。论文详细介绍了光码分多址的发展现状及其面临的问题。光码分多址技术(OCDMA)是一种极具发展潜力的扩容技术,特别是在光纤光栅技术逐渐完善的条件下,光码分多址技术势必成为未来光通信系统中重要的工具。本文首先对OCDMA系统原理进行了分析和研究;其次对光纤光栅技术的光学特性,滤波特性等原理进行了介绍;最后结合光纤光栅的跳频技术分析OCDMA系统。关键词 光纤光栅;光码分多址;光编解码技术;跳频; FH-OCDMA系统AbstractOptical code-division multiple access (OCDMA) is one of the possible resolution for future all optical communication networks. In OCDMA system more users can be accessed into networks, and the communication between them does not require for the synchronization. Moreover, OCDM can provide flexible switch among different code channels, which is very difficult in WDM.It’s noted characteristics lie in that each user is assigned a unique signature code to make all user share the same channel. At present, it is still at the first stage of development. It will play an important role in the process of releasing all optical networks. This thesis is focused on some key technologies in OCDMA system, including the optical encoding/decoding technologies in OCDMA system, fiber grating technologies, FH systems, and so on.This thesis exactly introduces the condition of OCDMA system and analyzes the problems in OCDMA system. Optical CDMA technology is one of the technologies to increase communication capacity with a big potential,especially when the FBG technology is more and more mature .OCDMA technology will be an important tool in optical communication.Keywords FBG; OCDMA; Optical encoding/decoding technology; frequency-hoping; FH-OCDMA目 录 TOC \o 1-3 \h \z HYPERLINK \l _To摘 要 PAGEREF _To\h I HYPERLINK \l _ToAbstract PAGEREF _To\h II HYPERLINK \l _To第1章 绪论 PAGEREF _To\h 1 HYPERLINK \l _To1.1 课题背景 PAGE



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