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浅析男衬衫加工贸易 【摘要】本文主要阐述了在纺织服装一体化协议,中国的国情以及中国服装产业所具有的竞争优势注定了发展出口贸易是中国服装生存和发展的重要道路对,所以我们要掌握好如何和客人去交涉,在客人下完订单后,我们对服装出口操作无论是衣片、纸样、面料、辅料还是生产流程问题和质量问题等都应该去了解。作为以后我们即将成为业务员,就应该看懂外方工艺单、规格表,掌握出口合同条款,保价,缮制协议书与合同,制定跟单,算料订料,如何备货、出货等后续问题各方面的问题和外方工作交流,最后制单结汇,能够学以致用。 【关键词】:中日贸易,服装加工,衬衫订单,衬衫工艺 Abstract: This article mainly elaborated in the textile clothing integration agreement, the competitive advantage which Chinas national condition as well as the Chinese clothing industry had has been doomed the development export trade is the Chinese clothing survival and the development important path is right, therefore how we could grasp negotiate with the visitor, after visitor order form, we to clothing export operation, regardless of were the clothes piece, the sample sheet, the lining, the supplementary material or the production process question and the quality question and so on should understand. We will soon become the clerk as later, should understand the outside craft list, the specification table, will grasp the export contract provision, will guarantee the price, will repair the system agreement and the contract, the formulation freight bill, calculated that the material will subscribe the material, how to prepare goods, produce goods and so on following question various aspects question and the outside work exchange, finally will make settles exchange only, can study for the purpose of application. Key words: china-Japan trade, clothing processing, shirt order form, shirt craft 1.中日加工贸易 中日贸易始于民间方式, 民间贸易的发展对推动两国经贸乃至政治关系的发展起到了重要的作用, 1972 年中日两国邦交正常化以后政府开始起主导作用。两国贸易总额不断攀升, 经贸关系日益深化。 1.1中日贸易的发展与前景 中日贸易经历了可分为四个发展时期。 第一时期是1972 -1978 年的6年, 其特征是低速增长。这一时期政府间贸易刚刚开始, 贸易额在百亿美元之下。 第二时期是1979 -1985 年的7年间, 其特征是快速增长。中日贸易在1981 年首次超过100 亿美元大关, 1985 年突破200 亿美元。这一快速增长的关键因素是中国实行了改革开放政策。 第三时期是1986 -1990 年的5年间, 这个时期中日贸易的特征是稳定增长。 第四时期是1991 年以后, 进人90 年代, 日本由于泡沫经济的影响, 经历了战后最严重的衰退, 购买力有所降低, 一度对于本国产品和欧美产品青睐有加的日本居民对廉价的亚洲产品印象有所改变。随着中国产品质量的提高, 日益满足日本的需要, 因此中国, 对日本出口大幅度上升。随着中日经贸关系的发展, 主要体现在纺织品、服装、农产品等领域之中。1991 年



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