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PAGE 武汉科技学院 毕业设计(论文) 题目:水力旋转生物膜反应器处理生活污水 摘 要 本论文主要研究一种新型生物膜反应器对生活污水处理的工艺条件。研究内容包括填料上生物膜从挂膜到膜成熟生物相的观察;废水水质调查;不同工艺条件下的水质监测;以及对处理效果的分析。对生物膜的调查发现,一级水力旋转生物膜反应器上生物膜量为11.602 g/m2,二级反应器上生物膜量为9.068 g/m2,BOD污泥负荷分别为 0.167 kgBOD/kgMLSS和0.076kgBOD/kgMLSS。通过实验在进水量为6t/hr、8t/hr、9t/hr时及回流比分别为1:0,1:0.5和1:1条件下 的污水处理效果发现,进水量为6t/hr、8t/hr、9t/hr时COD去除率分别为76.93%、74.72%、71.64%;回流比较大时充氧效果较好,相应的COD去除率也较高,当进水量为8t/hr且回流比为1:1时的出水COD为42.54mg/L,此时出水COD值达到国家一级排放标准,当水量升到9t/hr出水COD就增加到64.20 mg/L。因此,综合考虑8t/hr为最佳进水量,并且在此时的总氮去除率为36.6%,总磷的去除率为23.45%。研究表明,该生物膜反应器生物膜上生物种类丰富,污水处理效率高,出水水质好,可使用于不同规模的城市及工业污水的生化处理。 关键词:废水好氧生物处理;生物膜技术;生物膜;水力旋转生物膜反应器;水力停留时间 Abstract The paper mainly studied a novel bio-film reactor and its wastewater treatment process condition. The study included observation on biophase of biofilm from start-up period to ripe period, wastewater quality mornintoring, condition of treatment and analysis of the treatment. The investigation on bio-film indicate that the amount of biofilm in the first waterpower rotating reactor is 11.602 g/m2 ,the second is 9.068 g/m2 .And the COD load is 0.167 kgCOD/kgMLSS and 0.076 kgCOD/kgMLSS respectively. We studied influence of different influent flux (6t/hr, 8t/hr, 9t/hr) and recirculation ratio (1:0, 1:0.5, 1:1) on treatment. When the water input is 6t/hr, 8t/hr, 9t/hr, the COD removal rate is 76.93%,74.72%,71.64% respectively; COD removal rate increased with recirculation ratio increasing, because oxygen transfer ability increase with higher recirculation ratio. while the water input is 8 t/hr and recirculation ratio is 1:1, the effluent COD is 42.54 mg/L. This value could measure up to the national first-order discharge standard .The COD value increased to 64.20 mg/L when the influent is 9t/hr. Therefore, considering from the economics, the optimum influent flux is 8 t/hr, at the same time removal rate of the total nitrogen and phosphate is respectively 36.6% and 23.45%.The experiment showed that there is rich in species of microorganism in the biof


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