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Steam Jet Steam Jet Ej ector Ej ector Systems Systems 蒸汽喷射器系统 蒸汽喷射器系统 Graham Corporation 1999. All rights reserved, worldwide. Overview 概揽 Overview 概揽 Introduction 介绍 Ejector principles 喷射器原理 Condenser principles 冷凝器原理 Ejector system configuration 喷射器系统配置 Hybrid systems 混合系统 Typical applications 典型应用 Summary 总结 Introduction Introduction Ejectors are utilized to compress fluids 利用喷射器压缩流体 Different from other compressors - NO MOVING PARTS 不同于其他的压缩机---无运动机件 Compression accomplished by kinetic energy of fluid source - typically steam 通过源自于流体的动能完成压缩 通常为蒸汽 Operate at above or below atmospheric pressure - below most common 在高于或低于常压的状态下运行– 通常是低于 Many applications - discuss later 诸多应用---后面讨论 Introduction Advantages 介绍—-优势 Introduction Advantages 介绍—-优势 Rugged construction 复杂的构造 Size of equipment small comparatively设备尺寸相对较小 Little maintenance required 仅需较少的维护 No moving parts or lubrication 无运动机件或润滑 Very low capital costs 很低的资本费用 Simple operation 简单的操作 Ejector Principles 喷射器原理 Ejector Principles 喷射器原理 Ejector - How Does It Operate ? Ejector - How Does It Operate ? 喷射器如何运行? 喷射器如何运行? ” ? ? ? ? ? 1. Motive Chest 4. Inlet Diffuser 动力腔 进口扩散器 2. Motive Nozzle 5. Diffuser Throat 动力喷嘴 扩散器喉管 3. Mixing Chamber 6. Outlet Diffuser 混合室


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