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Module 4词组句型复习提纲 (厦门六中2010-2011高一备课组) Unit 1 Women of Achievement 一. 选词组填空 look down upon/on move off drive…out of concern oneself with, catch one’s eye refer to be intended for can’t wait to devote…to argue with crowd in spend…doing as well as as if, lead a happy life The Chinese fought hard for 8 years and ________ the Japanese aggressors _______China. A beautiful picture _______. It seems ______ her life would be comfortable and peaceful. This film ______adults. I ______ have a computer of my own. It was hard work and determination _______ gentle nature that had got her into medical school. He _______ because of his humble background. We should _______ public work. Everybody knows that our director ______ his wife. The signal was given, and the procession _______. He _______ Mary about the best place for a holiday. Memories _______ on me and I became very excited. The couple _______ in the countryside with their parents and grandparents. Now more and more city adults _______ their leisure time ______ to improve themselves at school or college. What I have to say ______ all of you. 二. 完成句子 1.广州亚运会值得一看。 The Guangzhou Asian Games are ______ watching. = It is worthwhile _______________ the Guangzhou Asian Games. = The Guangzhou Asian Games are __________of ________ ________ 2. This gift __________ __________ __________ you(专门为你准备的. 3.She thought I was________ _____ her daughter when we were talking. 当我们谈话时她以为我指的是她的女儿。 4.(1)Only _______________________________English better. 只有这样, (2)Only ____________________________that I had left my cell phone in the restaurant. 到那时我才记起我把手机忘在餐馆里了。 (3)Only______________________________________ in bed. 只有生病的时候妈妈才会卧床休息。 _________________________________ (我突然意识到) the danger is just in front of us.that ..) 他直到做完作业才去睡觉.(not …until..) Unit 2 working the land 一.选词 struggle for struggle against rid…of… lead to thanks to be satisfied with care for care about build up keep… free of… focus on


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