牛津高中英语(Grammar and usage Analysis of complicated sentences).ppt

牛津高中英语(Grammar and usage Analysis of complicated sentences).ppt

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Identify the subjects and the predicates of the following sentences. 1) We will have an exam next week. 2) The hunter got lost in the jungle 3) Islam was started about 1400 year ago by a man called Muhammad. Members of sentences To be specific, the members of sentences include S (subject 主语), P (predicate or predicate verb 谓语或谓语动词 O( object 宾语), C ( complement 补语), A( attribute 定语), A( adverbial 状语), A( appositive 同位语). Study the sentences and find out how many subjects and predicates each sentence has. 1) The guest has just arrived. 2) Mr. Black is English. 3) Mr. Black is a doctor. 4) She picked a flower. 5) The teacher taught us a new song. 6) Parents should encourage their children to get close to nature. simple sentence structure : subject + predicate Identify the sentence patterns 1) The guest has just arrived. 2) Mr. Black is English. 3) Mr. Black is a doctor. 4) She picked a flower. 5) The teacher taught us a new song. 6) Parents should encourage their children to get close to nature. Put the following words into sentences 1) turned trees green. (SVC) 2) the car in the end stopped (SV) 3) the left the open visitor gate (SVOC) 4) he is looking for his glasses (SVO) 5) my birthday me friend a present gave (SVOO) Study the sentences and find out how they are different from simple sentences. 1)There are many idioms used in English and quite a few of them come from the Bible. 2) ‘By and by’ now means ‘before long’, but in the Bible, it was used to mean ‘immediately’. 3)Take a map with you, and you will find your way easily. 4)Take a map with you, or you’ll get lost. 5)Nobody answered the door, so I left. 6)Some people have everything while others have none. 7)Not only did he believe the story but also he persuaded others to believe it. compound sentence Structure : s


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