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2009年 Directions: For this part, you are required to write an enquiry (询价) letter. You should write the letter on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the letter in the space given on the Composition Sheet. 说明:以HCM 公司销售经理王丽娜的名义写一封询价函。 内容如下: 在法国服装展上见到贵公司展出的时装,这些时装适合中国市场的需求; 请寄来产品目录和最新价目表; 如价格合理,将大量订货。 注意信函格式! May 15th, 2010 Dear Sir or Madam, I’m writing to you to show our great interest in your company’s clothes which are exhibited on the French Fashion Fair. There is a great of demand in Chinese market. It would be appreciated if you can send us a copy of your catalogue, together with your latest price list. If the prices are competitive and reasonable, we will place a large order(大量订购). Looking forward to hearing from you very soon. Yours sincerely, Wang Lina Sales Manager of HCM Company ※敬希即复为盼。 (We are) Looking forward to hearing from you very soon. (We are) Looking forward to your prompt reply. Your early reply would be appreciated. It would be appreciated that you pay prompt attention to this matter. We appreciate your early/prompt reply. We look forward to your kind attention and favorable reply. 2008年 Directions: For this part you are required to write a poster. You should write the poster on the basis of the following instructions given in Chinese. Remember to write the poster in the space given on the Composition Sheet. 说明:为了迎接2008年奥运会,你校准备在7月30日举行大型晚会。各年级将演出节目。请为你自己班级写一个通告,邀请同学们参加表演。表演的节目可以是舞蹈、唱歌、短剧、相声……。 Words of reference: 奥运会 Olympic Games 相声quick talks Poster In order to celebrate/greet the 2008 Olympic Games, a great/grand Evening Party will be held on July 30th in our university. Each grade is requested to perform at the party. So we’d like to invite everyone in our class to take part in the performance. Various forms of performance are welcome, including dancing, singing, short drama and quick talks. 2007年 Directions:For this part you are required to write a letter to a customer. You should write the


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