
毕业论文 任丘陈边村35KV降压变电站设计.doc

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河北农业大学 本科毕业论文(设计) 题 目: 学 院: 专业班级:学 号: 学生姓名: 指导教师: 指导教师: 年月 日 正确地选择电器是使电气主接线和配电装置达到安全,经济运行的重要条件。在进行电器选择时,应根据工程实际情况?,在保证安全,可靠的前提下,积极而稳妥地采用新技术,并注意节省投资,选择合适的电器。 电气主接线Abstract Substation is an important component of the power system, which directly affect the power system security and economic operation of power plants and customers are links in the middle part, play a role in transformation and distribution of electric energy. Electrical power plant substation main connection is the main link in the development of main power is directly related to the entire plant (the) selection of electrical equipment, power distribution equipment layout, relay protection and automatic devices to determine, is the electrical part of the substation Investment size determining factor. ? The design and construction of a 35KV substation step-down, first of all, according to the main terminal of the economic and reliable operation and flexible asked to select various voltage levels of the wiring, technical and economic aspects in the comparison, select the optimal flexible wiring. ? The simulation of short circuit current calculation, calculated according to the points short point steady-state current and short circuit short circuit surge current, major equipment selection and calibration, including the circuit breaker, disconnecting switch, current transformer, voltage transformer, bus, and other related preliminary analysis and selection. The correct choice of appliances is to make electrical main wiring and power distribution equipment is safe, an important condition for economic operation. When making electric choice should be based on actual projects, while ensuring safe and reliable under the premise of a positive and safe use of new technology, and pay attention to saving investment, select the appropriate appliances. Finally, according to the voltage level of the rated voltage and the maximum long-term operating curren


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