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松涛水利枢纽施工导流综合方案施工组织设计 摘要 本设计来源于实际工程——松涛水利枢纽,松涛水利枢纽位于柳河干流上的松涛峡,系一级建筑物,由河床混凝土重力坝、溢洪道,右岸土坝和坝后厂房等部分组成。枢纽主要任务是发电,共装三台机组,每台机组15万吨,发电的最低水位为500m,相应库容为19.5亿m3。 本设计的主要任务是根据工程基本设计资料和其他要求,对松涛水利枢纽施工导流综合方案进行施工组织设计。设计内容是:根据基本资料设计施工导流方案,选择合理的导流方式;隧洞设计,堵头设计,爆破设计,出渣运输设计。 本设计的原则和目的是:通过此次毕业设计,使所学过的知识得到巩固、加强、扩大和系统化,同时加强和提高运用理论知识解决实际工程问题的独立工作能力,并初步掌握进行水利枢纽和水工建筑物的设计思想、设计程序、设计原则、步骤和方法,培养学生使用有关设计规范、手册、参考文献以及分析计算、绘图和编写设计说明书等基本技能,并有助于培养和建立正确的设计思想,实事求是,刻苦专研,通过自己的努力从中受益,为尽快适应将来的工作和学习打下坚实的基础。 关键词:施工导流;隧洞;爆破 The Instruction of The Design The design originally stems from the actual project--the SongTao Hydro Project which is located in the SongTao Gorge of the LiuHe River.The project is a Hydraulic Structures,which is consist of the riverbed concrete gravity dam, the spillway, the earth dam on the right bank and the dam plant behind the dam,etc. The main task of this design is according to the basic engineering design data and other requirements, to the song tao water conservancy construction diversion schemes for the comprehensive construction organization design. Design content is: according to the basic data of construction diversion scheme design, choosing reasonable diversion; Tunnel design, plug design, blasting design, slag transport design. The principle and the purpose of this design is: through this graduation design, make the learned knowledge consolidated, strengthen and expand and systematically, at the same time to strengthen and improve the theoretical knowledge to solve practical engineering problems of the ability to work independently, and preliminary grasp of water conservancy hub and hydraulic structure design idea, design procedure, design principles, steps and methods of training students use of relevant design specifications, manuals, and reference documents as well as the analysis and calculation, drawing and writing the design specification, such as basic skills. Key words: construction diversion; Tunnel; blastin 目录 1 基本资料 1 1.1 流域概况 1 1.2 施工场地及运输条件 1 1.3 气候特征 2


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