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学 院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于ASP的学生信息管理系统的设计与实现 计算机科学与工程 院(系) 计算机科学与技术 专业 起讫日期 2012.2.20-2012.5.11 摘 要 随着计算机技术的迅速发展,计算机科学不断地成熟,计算机强大的功能已为人们深刻认识,计算机被广泛应用和普及到各个领域,并发挥着越来越重要的作用,给我们的生活带来了极大的便利。在校园里,如何有效地管理学生信息成为热门话题,建立一个友好的学生信息管理系统,可以有效的管理学生信息,方便老师与学生。基于ASP.NET的学生信息管理系统运用方便,操作简单,效率很高,现阶段虽只实现学籍管理和成绩管理等部分,但已具有学生学籍信息及学生成绩信息的录入、修改和查询,以及学生退学和休学的处理,基本满足任何授权的用户使用系统完成相应的操作,大大减轻了教师对学生管理等繁重的工作量,而且能够准确无误、快速输出,还可以利用计算机对有关学生成绩的信息进行统计,而且在校学生可以通过该系统查询本人的相关信息,方便同学及时了解个人的相关信息和学校下发的有关通知。同时还具有快速、方便的查询、可靠性高、存储量大、成本低等优点。这些优点能够极大地提高学生信息管理的效率,也是学校进入科学化、正规化管理与世界接轨的重要条件。 关键词:学生信息;ASP.NET ABSTRACT As the rapid development of computer technology, computer science is reaching maturity and its powerful functions for the people profound understanding of a wide range of computer applications to reach all fields and is playing an increasingly important role in our lives to bring the great convenience. In the campus, how availably manage students information to become hot issue, create a students information management system of amity, it can useful supervision students information, convenient teacher and student. The Student Management Information System Based on ASP.NET utilizes easy, simple operation, high efficiency, although at this stage only to achieve school management and performance management component, but has been a student school information and student achievement information entry, modification and enquiries, as well as school drop-outs and the rest of the processing, basic satisfy any authorized users complete the corresponding operating system, the ease of students to teachers to the management workload, but also accurate, rapid output, we can also use the computer to student achievement statistics of the information, and students can adopt the I system for the relevant information for students to understand personal information and the school issued the notice. And has many advantages, such as: quick, convenient for high reliability, storage capacity, and low c



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