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攀枝花学院本科毕业设计 [基于plc的变频恒压供水系统] 学生姓名: 曲 斌 学生学号: 200810503053 院(系): 电气信息工程学院 年级专业: 08自动化 指导教师: 伍刚 教授 助理指导教师: 唐老师 副教授 二〇一二年六月 摘 要 随着人民生活水平的日益提高,新技术和先进设备的应用,给给供水设计得到了发展的机遇。于是选择一种符合各方面规范、卫生安全而又经济合理的供水方式,对我们给供水设计构成了新的挑战。本系统采用PLC 进行逻辑控制,采用带PID 功能的变频器进行压力调节,系统有工作可靠,使用方便,压力稳定,无冲击等优越性。 变频恒压供水方式技术先进、水压恒定、 操作方便、 运行可靠、 节约电能、 自动化程度高,在泵站供水中可完成下列功能: (1)维持水压恒定; (2)控制系统可手动/自动运行; (3) 系统睡眠与唤醒。当外界停止用水时,系统处于睡眠状态,直至有用水需求时自动唤醒; (4) 多台泵自动切换运行; (5)在线调整 PID参数; (6)泵组及线路保护检测报警等。 关键词 变频器,变频恒压供水,PLC ABSTRACT In company with the improvement of people’s living standard, the application of new technique and advanced equipment provide a new development for the design of water supply. It is a challenge for us to select a way of water supply with high standard, secure and healthy, economical, and reasonable. This system adopts PLC logic control, and transducer with PID function to adjust the pressure, which presents many advantages, such as high reliability, convenience in use, stability in pressure,and without impact. Advanced technology and constant pressure water supply, water pressure constant, easy, reliable operation, saving energy, high degree of automation in the water supply pumping station to be completed by the following functions: (1) maintaining the pressure constant; (2) control system manual / Automatic operation; (3) system sleep and wake up. When the outside to stop water, the system is in sleep mode until a wake-up automatically when water demand; (4) multiple pump automatic switching operation; (5) On-line adjustment of PID parameters; (6) pump and line protection detection alarm. Key words inverter, VF constant pressure water supply, plc 目 录 摘 要………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ 第1章 绪论……………………………………………………………………………………1 1.1 选题背景…………………………………………………………………………………1 1.2选题意义…………………………………………………………………………2 1.3国内外在该方向的研究概况…………………………………………………………2 第2章 系统总体分析和设计……………………………………………


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