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西安文理学院物理与机械电子工程学院 本科毕业设计(论文) 题 目 某电梯起升机构工作原理及其机构设计 设计所在单位 西安文理学院 2013年5月 某电梯起升机构的工作原理及其结构设计 摘要: 随着高层建筑的增多,电梯作为高层建筑中垂直运行的交通工具已与人们的日常生活密不可分。电梯是集机械原理应用、电气控制技术、微处理技术、系统工程学等多学科和技术于一体的机电设备,它是建筑中的永久垂直交通工具。此次设计是以800Kg乘客电梯为基础,联系所学过的电梯知识,通过方案论证、设计选择曳引机、钢丝绳的设计然后进行具体的计算,确定各部分机构的参数尺寸,最后用AUTO CAD画出电梯起升机构中的关键部分,如曳引机、限速器、缓冲器、制动器等以及电梯起升机构整体图纸。电梯起升机构对安全性能要求较高,此次设计后对关键的部分进行了安全校核,如曳引机,钢丝绳等进行了校核。 An Elevator the Working Principle and the Structure of the Hoisting Mechanism Design Abstract: As the increase of high-rise buildings, Elevator high-rise buildings as a means of transport in the vertical run of daily life has been inextricably linked with people .The elevator is a kind of electromechanical equipment which combines mechanical principle application, electrical control technology, micro processing technology, system engineering and other multi-disciplinary and technology at an organic whole .It is a permanent vertical transportation using in construction .The design is based on 800Kg passenger elevator .first of all I contact the knowledge of elevator that I have learned and I use project demonstration, design and choice the traction machine ,design the wire rope .Then I calculate the design in detail, so I determine the parameter of various parts .Finally, using AUTO CAD to draw the key part of the lift in hoisting mechanism ,such as drawing up the traction machine ,speed limiter ,buffer ,brake ,and lifting mechanism of the elevator as a whole .Due to the hoisting mechanism of the elevator on the safety has higher requirements, at the end of I have critical part of the security checked such as checking the traction machine and wire rope and so on. Key words: elevator, tractors, enclosure, its frame 目录 第一章 绪论 5 1.1选题背景 5 1.2国内外发展概况 5 1.3未来发展趋势 6 第二章 电梯起升机构方案论证及设计参数 8 2.1方案设计流程图 8 2.2方案论证 8 2.2.1电梯驱动系统分类 8 2.2.2驱动系统的确定及其工作原理 8 2.2.3整体方案 9 2.3曳引式电梯整体构造 10 第三章 电梯起升机构设计 12 3.1曳引驱动工作原理 12 3.2曳引机的选择 12 3.2.1曳引机功率 12 3.2.2曳引机主轴最大静载荷T


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