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混凝土搅拌站监控系统 摘 要 随着城市化建设的不断发展,国家对基础设施建设的投资力度加大,拉动了城市预拌商品混凝土的高速发展,以往那种由工地自行生产混凝土的方式由于其质量难以保证、噪音及粉尘污染大,因而必将被自动控制的混凝土搅拌站所取代。自动控制的混凝土搅拌站具有产品质量优良稳定、生产成本低、环保性能良好等特点,正在成为混凝土生产的主流。作为混凝土搅拌站的核心,监控系统在计量精确、控制可靠、管理方便等方面的要求日益提高。本文针对混凝土搅拌站当前存在的影响混凝土生产质量的计量误差、计算机集中控制以及管理功能等方面进行研究和设计。首先对混凝土搅拌站的发展、生产工艺、监控系统的国内外现状等进行了全面论述,并进行基于PLC和工控机的混凝土搅拌站控制系统总体设计。然后对混凝土搅拌站的称重系统进行分析、选型和设计研究。最后根据混凝土搅拌站的工艺流程,进行PLC系统的设计,并采用组态软件WinCC设计一系列的系统监控画面、配方和其它功能窗口等动静态界面。本文介绍的混凝土搅拌站自动化控制系统,此系统以工控机为上位机,PLC为下位机,基于组态软件WinCC操作平台,提供了一种实用的混凝土搅拌站自动化系统方案。 关键词:混凝土搅拌站;集散控制系统;可编程控制器;工控机 Concrete mixing station monitoring system ABSTRACT As the continuous development of urbanization construction, and invest heavily in the infrastructure construction, which pull the development of the premixed concrete. The concrete produced by concrete construction plant itself, will certainly instead by the automatically controlled concrete mixing plant, because its low quality、noise and the high particulate pollutionthe automatically controlled concrete mixing plant has the advantage of height quality, low cost, good environmental performance and so on. And it is becoming the main stream of the concrete production. As the core of the concrete mixing plant, the request to the monitoring system becomes higher and higher at the accuracy of gauge, quality control reliability and easy management. This paper aims to study and design the metering error to the concrete production and the computer DCS and so on of the concrete mixing plant. At first, this paper fully discusses the status of the development, production technology and the monitoring system of the concrete mixing plant, and overall design to the control system of the concrete mixing plant which based on the PLC and IPC. Finally, on the basis of the process flow of the concrete mixing plant, design the PLC system, the takes configuration software-WinCC designs a series of hardware monitor pictures, formula and some other function windows. The concrete mixing plant automatic controll


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