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摘 要 《燕行录全集》是明清两代六百年间友邻朝鲜国使者来华的见闻录及报告 的汇编,篇帙浩大,集中展示朝鲜人对中国社会各方面的观察与记录,对了解 当时的中国社会具有独特的价值。自吴晗开创利用朝鲜史料研究明清历史以来, 不少学者都很留意朝鲜史料,但大多集中在《李朝实录》上。 《燕行录》偶见学 者引用,但整体加以研究者,尚未看到。本文是在对林基中编东国大学校 2001 年出版的 100 卷本的《燕行录全集》进行阅读和梳理的基础上,挖掘朝鲜使者 对清代蒙古社会的观感、评价,以及出现这种现象的原因等等。 本文主要是以《燕行录全集》为主要史料,以朝鲜人眼中的蒙古社会景观 为切入点,来揭开清代蒙古社会生活的真实面貌。从中可见,域外汉籍可以为 中国史研究提供诸多佐证,有助于从一些独特的角度加深对中国社会的理解。 因此,朝鲜汉籍不仅是研究中韩文化交流的重要史料,而且对于中国史乃至民 族史的研究亦颇有帮助。具体探讨《燕行录全集》朝鲜使者眼中的蒙古人及对 蒙古人的观感、评价;清朝统治者对蒙古采取联姻、朝贡、年班等各种方式, 从政治、经济、精神等各个方面给予其特殊的荣誉和优厚的经济待遇,恩威并 施,以控制这一特殊群体。在这一前提下深入探讨朝鲜人眼中的满蒙联姻、蒙 古宗教信仰、衣食住行、风俗习惯等日常生活的其他琐细方面的问题。从而揭 示清代蒙古这一特殊群体对整个清朝的影响及其历史地位。 关键词:《燕行录全集》 ;蒙古;朝鲜使臣;社会风俗Abstract The Complete Works of Yan Xing Lu was the records of what the Korean messengers heard and saw in China during the of both the Ming Dynasty and the Qing dynasty which were across about 600 years. It contains many volumes and has unique values to understand the Chinese society at that time. Since Wuhan studied the Ming Dynasty and the Qing dynasty by using Korean historical sources, many scholars have paid more and more attentions to Korean historical sources. However, most of study focused on chronicles of Li Dynasty. Yan Xing Lu was cited by scholars occasionally. But there are few to study it by whole. Basing on the 100 volumes of Complete Works of Yan Xing Lu edited by Lin Jizhong, I try to take an analysis on the Korean messengers’ impressions, remarks, what caused this phenomenon and so on By analyzing the conditions of Mongolian society in the Koreans’ eyes and mainly basing on Complete Works of Yan Xing Lu, this thesis tries to disclose the true visage of Mongolian society in Qing Dynasty. According to this analysis, we can find that the ancient Chinese books and records found in extraterritorial world can supply substantial evidence for the study of Chinese history and they help us understand the society of China more deeply from a unique angle. Therefore, the Korean records about Chinese history are not only important histori


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