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摘 要 自从亚当和夏娃偷吃禁果以来,爱情一直是一个永恒的话题。随着人们思 想观念不断转变,法律制度的不断完善,大学生恋爱已经被越来越多的人所接 受。作为大学生中最年轻的一代,新生代大学生自身的人生观、价值观尚未完 全成型,加之恋爱、婚姻观又刚刚开始建立,因此其在恋爱过程中必然会出现 很多问题。那么当这些问题出现的时候,他们会向谁——哪些群体或者个人寻 求帮助?他们以什么为标准来选择求助对象?寻求帮助之后的效果如何?现存 的这些恋爱社会支持能否满足新生代大学生日益变化和发展的需要?笔者开始 思考这些问题。 社会工作是一门本世纪开始蓬勃发展的新兴科学,其工作领域愈加广泛, 工作效果愈加受到关注。作为一名学习社会工作的大学生,笔者期望能够运用 所学知识帮助周围有需要的伙伴和朋友。进而以此为最终目标,开始调查研究。 为了使得研究更加规范和科学,笔者首先设计问卷,对新生代大学生的恋爱社 会支持状况进行了调查了解。接着分析问卷数据,发现了社会工作在新生代大 学生恋爱社会支持中有其工作空间和发挥作用的可能性。最后结合文献构建介 入模式,分别阐释了社会工作如何介入大学生恋爱的社会支持问题,并提出了 以社会生态系统理论为基础的“学校为本”社会工作的介入方式,这些都为日 后的社会工作者提供了实务基础,以期待从社会工作的视角完善新生代大学生 的恋爱社会支持。 关键词:社会工作;新生代大学生;恋爱社会支持 1 Abstract Ever since Adam and Eve eating the forbidden fruit, love has always been an eternal topic. With the continuous transformation of peoples minds, and the constant improvement of legal system, the campus love has been accepted by more and more people. As the youngest generation of students, own life and values of the new generation of college students have not yet fully formed, together with love and marriage has just been established. So there’re a lot of problems arise in the process of love. Then when these issues arise, whom - which groups or individuals they will seek to? What are the criteria when they choose someone for help? What they get after help? Whether the existing social support for love meets the new generation of college students’ variable and developing requires? I just started thinking about these questions. Social work is an emerging science, which began to flourish from this century. Its fields have become more widespread, and its effects have been paid more attention. As a postgraduate majored in social work, I look forward to using the professional knowledge to help part


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