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摘 要 残疾人是一个规模庞大、特征突出、在竞争中往往处于不利地位的社会群 体,是社会保障和公共服务的重点对象。我国自 20 世纪 80 年代以来,为帮助 残疾人改善基本生活条件,逐步建立起残疾人福利事业。虽然已经取得显著成 就,但是我国的残疾人福利体系仍然以救济救助和康复恢复为主,并未注重挖 掘开发残疾人的自身价值。 本文从福利的视角出发,认为残疾人可以也应当被视为一种人力资源进行 开发利用,并将残疾人人力资源开发定义为:为了保障残疾人权利、增进残疾 人福利,由国家主导、社会参与、家庭支持配合,以残疾人人力资源为开发对 象,采取医疗康复、教育培训以及促进就业等多种手段,帮助残疾人恢复、提 高行为能力和劳动能力并挖掘残疾人独特潜能的一系列活动。 文章首先探讨残疾人人力资源开发的理论渊源;继而论证残疾人福利事业 与残疾人人力资源开发的辩证关系,指出发展残疾人福利事业必须重视残疾人 人力资源开发,而进行残疾人人力资源开发必须依托于残疾人福利事业;之后 对开发残疾人人力资源的必要性及可能性进行阐释分析。其次,本文通过对比 残疾人人力资源开发和一般人力资源开发的异同,揭示出残疾人人力资源开发 所包含的各个要素,从而对残疾人人力资源开发的特征进行深入剖析,并整合 出一套残疾人人力资源开发系统。最后,本文探讨残疾人人力资源开发的福利 实践。在对我国的残疾人人力资源概况和开发现状进行梳理概括的基础之上, 指出现实开发过程中存在的三个突出问题,末了点明残疾人人力资源开发的实 践策略。 关键词: 残疾人; 福利; 人力资源开发 Abstract People with disabilities are a large and disadvantaged social group which have prominent features and need exigent social security and public services. Since the 1980s, China has gradually established social welfare system for the disabled to help them improve the basic living conditions. Although significant achievements have been made, the social welfare system for persons with disabilities still emphasizes the importance of relief and rehabilitation, which ignores the value of the disabled themselves. From the welfare perspective, this article points out that people with disabilities could and should be regarded as a kind of human resources which also have the value of development and utilization. In the paper, “human resources development of the disabled” is defined as: with the purpose of protecting the rights of the disabled persons and increasing their well-being, a series of activities, such as medical rehabilitation, career education and training and various means of employment promotion, should be tak


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