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摘要 截止 2008 年底,我国城市低保与农村低保人数总共已达 6640.3 万人,全 年各级财政总共支出低保资金达 622.1 亿元,如何将庞大的财政资金用到最需 要救助的人身上一直是人们关注的焦点,尤其是其中的家庭经济状况调查制度, 因家计调查的完善程度直接关系到低保制度的成败。 本文即以家庭经济状况调查制度为焦点,从国外家计调查状况、国内部分 省市现采用的典型做法、上海试点项目、由此得到的启示建议四个方面做详细 阐述。首先,国外家计调查情况,主要以美国为例,从理念到美国社会救助体 系需要家计调查的项目做了介绍。其次,对国内部分省市已经实施的涉及家计 调查的措施做了介绍,并对其中的异同点及出现的问题做了分析。第三,通过 上海实地调研,详细阐述了国内第一个独立的居民经济状况研究中心成立运行 的情况。最后结合国内外家计调查概况及上海试点以来的经验提出了完善家庭 经济状况调查制度的建议,即设立专门的家计调查机构并授予其到相关机构调 取核查信息的权力,调查内容应包括各种劳动收入及资产状况,将专业社工引 入入户调查中并将工作集中在了解家庭支出及基本需求状况,加强各部门之间 的协同,加强网络监督,严厉追究相关人员的欺诈行为并建立健全的救济途径。 关键词:低保;家庭经济状况调查;专门调查机构;专业社工 Abstract In 2008, there were altogether 66.403 million urban and rural residents nationwide drawing the minimum living allowance, with 62.21 billion Yuan for the minimum living allowance coming from the central and local finance. How to distribute financial funds to the most vulnerable populations has been a public concern, among which the effective system of means-test relates to the success of the system of subsistence allowances. This article focuses on the system of means-test,from status family planning suivey ;the typically used meathod in domestic part of the provinces;Shanghai pilot project. First, the investigation of foreign family planning, mainly in the United States,made a introduction from concept to the U.S.social assistance system.Second,against some provinces have already implemented domestic involving his family to do the survey measures,We analyzed the similarities and differences between them,Third,through the Shanghai field research,detail the first domestic independent research center what it set up and run. Finally,combine the Domestic and international family planning survey The author suggests that a specialized investigating agency be established and be authorized to gain the access to relevant information, investigating include labor income


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