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摘 要 戴尔公司作为全球领先的 PC 制造商,曾创造了难以置信的增长奇迹,其先进的 直销模式、高效的供应链管理和紧密的客户关系在业界享有盛名, 被总结为戴尔黄金 三原则。然而好景不长,戴尔在 2006 年丢掉了 PC 排名第一的位置,2009 年丢掉 PC 排名第二的位置,其后三年一直排名第三,市场占有率从 2006 年的 17%降到 2011 年的 12%,落后于惠普和宏基。戴尔的 PC 业务受到强劲挑战,公司发展正在经历转 型阵痛。互联网行业日新月异,戴尔公司已经不是该行业领先企业,以苹果、谷歌等 为代表的公司在移动互联网和云计算领域独领风骚,戴尔在这些热点领域扮演的是一 个追赶者的角色。 为什么曾经的 PC 霸主发展停滞甚至滑坡了呢?为什么先进的直销模式、高效的 供应链管理和紧密的客户关系没有给戴尔带来基业长青?针对以上问题,本文在商业 模式、企业经营管理、企业文化等多个角度对戴尔公司展开诊断分析,详细探讨了戴 尔公司在发展过程中的存在的问题以及产生问题的原因。文章从戴尔公司的背景出发, 介绍了戴尔公司的内外部环境、行业竞争状况,对企业能力进行了定性分析,用 SWOT 分析法找出企业发展的优势和劣势,机会和挑战。接着,文章重点分析了戴尔公司的 现状、戴尔公司存在的问题和产生问题的原因。最后,文章在竞争战略、商业模式、 技术创新、品牌建设、文化等多个角度,提出了戴尔公司应该采取的对策。 关键词:直销模式,供应链管理,战略管理 Abstract Dell as the worlds leading PC manufacturer, has created a incredible miracle of growth, and its advanced direct sales model, efficient supply chain management and closed customer relationship, got widely reputation in the industry, they were called the three golden rules of Dell. However, in the background of the rapid development of IT industry, Dell has lost its lead in the IT world, since 2006, Dell performance decline, Dell’s PC market share has been shrunk from 17% to 12%, and now Dell is ranked as number 3 PC makers in the world, follow behind Hewlett-Packard and Acer. The company is in a painful period for business strategy and supply chain management transformation. In recent years, Companies like Apple, Google are in the center stage of mobile Internet and cloud computing, Dell is playing a catch-up role in this hot areas. Why did the PC giant decline so quickly after a remarkable success? Why the three golden rules didn’t bring a sustainable development for Dell? To answer above questions, the author collected a large number of Dell and IT industry’s data, had a deep study on dell business models, business management, and


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