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摘要 金融创新一直是国家和金融企业关注的问题,它的重要性不言而喻。本文 从个体层面研究金融行业的创新,试图建立主观幸福感和个体创新之间的关系 模型即本文的主要研究问题。本文最大的一个创新就在于在金融行业背景下, 将主观幸福感和个体创新这两个变量对应起来进行实证研究,目前这方面的定 量研究非常少。 通过回顾相关文献理解了变量的内涵,找到了合适的测量工具并运用其采 集样本数据,接下来利用SPSS18.0软件测量工具对数据进行了相关分析、层次 回归分析及其他相关的分析,得到以下结论: 第一,性别、年龄、司龄、学历对于主观幸福感和个体创新均无显著影响; 第二,层级对主观幸福感的紧张或轻松维度有显著影响; 第三,主观幸福感的健康及兴趣维度、生活轻松度对个体创新的创意执行 阶段有显著的影响。 最后,基于数据分析的结果,给出了对管理实践的建议: 第一,金融企业选用创新型人才时可以不考虑性别、年龄、司龄、学历和 层级等背景因素; 第二,压力管理的重点应该放在中高层人员身上; 第三,从结合员工兴趣、提升员工健康意识和营造轻松地工作和生活氛围 角度出发去落实创新型企业文化和创新制度。 关键词:主观幸福感;个体创新;金融行业 1 Abstract Financial innovation has been the concerns of the nation and financial enterprises, its importance is self-evident. The writer will try to establish the relationship model between the subjective well-being and the individual innovation that the main problems in this article at the individual level .One of the biggest innovations in this article is that under the financial industry background, subjective well-being and individual innovation will be put together as two variables to be researched.And paper on this subject is very scarce . By reviewing relevant papers to understand the meanings of variables and measurement tools t, you can collect the sample datas, then use SPSS18.0 software measurement tools for data related analysis, regression analysis and other related analysis.The conclusions is as following: First, gender, age, division age and education have no significant effects on the subjective well-being and the individual innovation ; Second, the job level has a significant effect on tension or relaxed dimensions of the subjective well-being. Third, the healthinterest and easy life dimensions of the subjective well-being have significant impacts on the implementation phase of creative ideas. Ba


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