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摘 要 澳大利亚昆士兰州的高中校本学生评价制度已有40 余年的历史。40 年来, 澳大利亚昆士兰州高中校本学生评价的成功实施已越来越受到世界其他国家的 广泛关注。本文通过对澳大利亚昆士兰州高中校本学生评价的研究,在宏观上梳 理其校本评价的历史发展脉络,重点在于厘清其提出的历史背景,其执行过程中 遇到的困难,以及澳大利亚社会政治经济的变化带来的校本学生评价的最新进 展;在微观层面着重分析其实施的过程,为质量保障而制定的调整过程以及校本 学生评价的特点,力求分析澳大利亚昆士兰州不断修订、不断完善校本学生评价 的动因,以期给我国正在进行的校本评价改革一些启示。 本文共分为四个部分,包括绪论、昆士兰州高中校本学生评价的历史发展、 昆士兰州高中校本学生评价的实施状况以及昆士兰州高中校本学生评价对我国 的启示。 绪论交代了研究昆士兰州高中校本学生评价问题的缘起,综述了国内外校本 学生评价研究的相关文献,界定了有关核心概念并介绍了论文的研究方案。 第一章为背景梳理,介绍了昆士兰州高中校本学生评价思想的兴起背景与发 展现状。 第二章为主体部分,从宏观和微观两个层面分析了昆士兰州高中校本学生评 价的具体实施过程,简单概括其校本学生评价的特点及不足。 第三章结合我国校本学生评价的发展现状,探析昆士兰州高中校本学生评价 给我国校本评价实践带来的启示。 关键词:以校为本 学生评价 昆士兰州教育 I ABSTRACT School-based students assessment of senior secondary schools in the Queensland has more than 40 years of history, and it has obtained the amazing achievement. This paper mainly introduces school-based students assessment of senior secondary schools, and summarizes its background , history and recent advances which has been brought by Australias socio-political and economic changes from the macroscopical point of view, and then analyses its implementation procedure and characteristics microscopically. The paper aims to discuss the success factors of school-based students assessment in the Queensland, from which we can get some enlightenment for our reform of school-based students assessment. This paper is divided into four parts: Introduction, history of School-based Students Assessment, implementation procedure and enlightenment for our country. Introduction includes the research origin and significance, literature review and research programs. The first chapter introduces historical background of school-based students assessment. The second chapter is the main section; it analyzes the specific im


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