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摘要 摘要 技术的进步、教育理念的发展,对教师的要求越来越高,网络环境下教师培 训是当今社会环境下教师继续教育的必然需求。随着教师远程培训的规模扩大, 教师远程培训课程建设任务更加繁重,培训机构面临着要在时间、资源有限的情 况下开发出高质量培训课程的挑战。纵观目前教师远程培训课程建设,部分培训 机构课程建设存在良莠不齐、对课程建设管理混乱,课程建设资源匮乏,课程评 估流于形式等情况,面对这些情况,迫切需要对教师远程培训课程建设进行质量 管理。 本研究主要是对教师远程培训课程建设的现状以及在课程建设中的存在的 管理问题进行分析,以项目管理理论、全面质量管理理论和知识管理理论等成熟 的管理方法为指导,参考远程教育质量管理框架,并对相关文献进行分析,抽取 出教师远程培训课程建设中影响课程建设质量相关组织的环境、计划的研制、课 程的研发和评估方面的管理要素,通过小范围的专家质性评估和大范围的一线实 践人员访谈,形成教师远程培训课程质量管理工具集(Toolkit ),工具集包括自 查表和教师远程课程质量管理案例,承担培训课程建设的机构可以对本机构的课 程建设质量管理的状况进行自查;通过参考优秀案例在相关方面的做法,能对机 构在课程建设质量管理方面有所启发。 关键词:教师远程培训;质量管理;网络课程 I Abstract Abstract With the improvement of technology and the development of education idea, the requirements for teachers are higher and higher. Teacher training based on the network environment is an inevitable demand of teachers' continuing education in today's social environment .With the expansion of distance teacher training, the tasks of constructing distance teacher training courses become more arduous .The training institutions facing the challenge of constructing high-quality training courses in limited time and with limited resources. Now many teacher training institutions have some problems in management, course evaluation, resources supporting and so on. These problems cause the courses poor quality and low satisfaction. Faced with these situations, it is an urgent need for quality management of course construction for distance teacher training. This study is to analyze the status of teachers training courses and the problems of management in the course construction. With the guide of the mature management methods of the theory of


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