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I 摘要 王敩成(1859——1900),字学羲,号少之,广西藤县人。清光绪十六年 (1890)中进士,选入翰林院任庶吉士。光绪十八年(1892),由翰林院出任 贵州省瓮安县知县。王敩成任瓮安县县令八年,清正廉明,政绩优异,受巡 抚翟鸿祮、布政使曹鸿勋荐保朝廷加以褒奖。王生前通经史,能文、擅书画, 有梅竹等水墨画多幅存世。后其同乡亲戚何汉英收录其生前诗作,并结集刊 印,题为《抱瓮吟》。《抱瓮吟》具有一定的史料价值和文学价值,有研究的 必要。 本论文分两部分:一,对《抱瓮吟》进行了注释,同时依据《广西诗见 录》、《瓮安县志》所收王敩成诗作,并结合诗歌内容对诗集进行校勘。对诗 中的典故、引语、疑难字词及化用前人诗句等作出了较详尽的注释。二,在 《抱瓮吟》校注的基础上,首先对王敩成生平及思想作了概述,分析了他在 政治、文学、教育方面的思想,然后对王敩成诗歌创作的思想内容和艺术特 色作以概括,最后对王敩成诗作的价值作以客观评价。 《抱瓮吟》题材广泛,内容丰富,但由于历史、地域、身世卑微、早逝 等原因,有关王敩成及其诗作的研究资料困乏。本论文是关于王敩成及其《抱 瓮吟》第一次全面的研究,属于尝试,希望对广西地方古籍的整理与研究有 所裨益。 关键词:王敩成,《抱瓮吟》研究,校注 II COLLATING AND NOTING OF WANG XIAO-CHENG’S BAO –WENG- YIN ABSTRACT Wang xiaocheng(1859 1900), a style Xuexi, assumed name Shaozhi, was born in TengXian, Guangxi Province. In the Qing Dynasty(1890), he became a candidate in the highest imperial examination and was given a post in hanlin academy. In 1892, he served as a county magistrate in Guizhou provice. Wang xiaocheng had been the county magistrate of Weng’an xian for eight years. He stayed honest and integrity, and did an excellent job in his administration. He was recommend to the imperial court for a compliment by the provincial governor Zhai hongji and the commissioner Cao hongxun. He was deeply versed in Chinese learning – classics and history during his life. He was also great at writing and painting, and now a lot of ink-and-wash paintings of plum and bamboo drawn by him still exist in the world. Afte his death, his works was collected and filed by He hanying(a fellow townsman of Wang). He compiled a collection of these works and send it to the press with


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