2007 年大选后的法国政党格局及其欧盟政策.pdf

2007 年大选后的法国政党格局及其欧盟政策.pdf

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2007 5 2007 盖玉强 郇庆治 ( , 250 100; , 250100) : 法国的政党政治, 长期以来是由保 卫共和联盟与法国民主联盟组成的右翼阵 和由社会党与共产党组 成的左翼阵 之间的政治较量近年来这种格局似乎出现了一种转向新型的极左中左中右和极右四极竞 争的态势政治格局的变化影响到法国的欧盟及欧洲一体化政策法国对欧盟和欧洲一体化的政策已经演 变为首先是主流政党与新极右翼政党之间的政治较量, 并导致法国公众于 2005 年全民公决否定了欧洲联盟 宪法条约 2007年 5~ 6 月举行的法国总统选举, 法国公众对萨科齐的选择, 同时也是对锐意! 改革求变∀的 法国未来和继续推进一体化的欧洲未来的选择 : 法国政党政治; 欧盟政策; 欧洲一体化 : D815 : A : 100 19839( 2007) Party Structure of France after the 2007 E lection and its EU Policy GA I Yuq iang HUAN Q ingzh i (Schoo l of Law, S handong Un ive sity, Jinan 250 100, P. R. Ch ina; Schoo l of Po litica lScience Pub lci A dm inist ation, S handong Un ive s ity, Jinan 250100, P. R. Ch ina) Abstract: The pa ty politics of F ance, gene ally speaking, h as fo long tmi e been a political st ife b e tw een th e wt o camps: the ight w ing camp, composed of the epublicdefending league and th e F ench democ atic league, and th e left w ing cam p, consist ing o f th e social pa ty and the communist pa ty. T his po litical setup, how eve, tends to become a comp etition of the ext em e left, th e m iddle left, th e m iddle ight and th e ext eme ight, wh ich w ould ce tainly influ ence F ances policy eo ientat ion tow a ds EU and Eu op ean integ at ion. Th ese changes can be felt in the po litical st ife betw een th e mainst eam pa ty and the new ext eme ight w ing pa ty and has led to its ejection by m eans of efe endum of the T eaty E stab lish ing a Constitution fo Eu ope in 2005. The p esidential elect ion f om M ay to June 2007 and th e choice of N ico las Sa kozy by the F ench citizens indicate that F ance app eciates change th ough posit ive efo m


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