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摘 要 平板硫化机常用于加工橡胶模型制品、胶带、胶板等制品,是橡胶工业中的基本加工设备,广泛应用于橡胶工业中。框式平板硫化机全称框式液压传动平板硫化机。 框式平板硫化机的主要零部件:柱塞、工作缸、密封圈、垫台、活动平台、加热板、隔热板、上横梁和框板等。橡胶平板硫化机主要用于硫化平型胶带,它具有热板单位面积压力大,设备操作可靠和维修量少等优点。平板硫化机的主要功能是提供硫化所需的压力和温度.压力由液压系统通过液压缸产生,温度由加热介质所提供。 在平板硫化机橡胶工业中,柱式平带平板硫化机是使用较早的一种机型,我国过去使用的平带平板硫化机也多为柱式结构,但目前则多采用框式结构。 其发展的动向是提高机械化自动水平,改善劳动条件,提高生产效率,减小机台占地面积,完善附属装置和延长使用寿命等方面。 我主要设计的是框式平板硫化机的主要性能参数、主要零部件、传动系统和附属装置。使它们有机的结合在一起,构成完整的框式平板硫化机。 关键词:平板硫化机、工作缸、工作缸、活动平台、上横梁。Vulcanizing machine model commonly used in the processing of rubber products, adhesive tape, plastic sheet and other products, the rubber industrys basic processing equipment, widely used in rubber industry. Box-type vulcanizing machine full name box type hydraulic vulcanizing press. Box-type vulcanizing machine main parts: piston, working cylinder, seals, pad sets, moving platform, heating panels, insulation panels, beams and frames on the board. Rubber vulcanizing machine is mainly used for curing flat adhesive tape, it has hot plate per unit area pressure, less maintenance and reliable operation of equipment and so on. Vulcanizing machines main function is to provide the necessary pressure and curing temperature pressure from the hydraulic system generated by the hydraulic cylinder, the temperature provided by the heating medium. In the vulcanizing press rubber industry, the column level with vulcanizing machine is to use an earlier model, our past use of the flat belt vulcanizing machine is mostly column structure, but is more used box-type structure. The trend of the development is to improve the automatic level of mechanization, improved working conditions, increase productivity, reduce machine footprint, improve the attachment and extend the service life and so on. My main box-type design is the main flat vulcanizing machine performance parameters, the main components, transmission and ancillary equipment. Make them organic combine to form a complete frame-type vulcanizing machine. Keywords: vulcanizing machine, working cylinde


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