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Classified Index:  CODE: 10075 U.D.C.: NO: 033512 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. History The Study on Several Function Departments in the Period of Songhuizong Candidate : Wang Hai-peng Supervisor : Prof. Li Hua-rui Academic Degree Applied for : Master of History Specialty: Ancient History of China University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: June, 2006 摘 摘  要 要 宋徽宗赵佶是历史上有名的风流才子和昏君,他的奢侈享受少有人及。他热衷于诗 书、图画,古器山石,对艺术的热爱超过了对国家政事的关心;他骄奢淫逸,风流好色。 为此,宋徽宗重用蔡京等人,专门设置了诸局所的一系列机构为其个人的奢侈享受服务。 宋徽宗为了兴建宫室、苑囿,设立应奉局、御前人船所等机构大搞花石纲,各地奇 花怪石、珍禽异兽齐聚京师;又通过西城所等机构大肆搜括民田,增加财政收入,以供 其挥霍;建立书画院、书艺局等专事书画;专置行幸局出宫冶游享乐。宋徽宗专事享乐, 使得国家财政亏空,百姓困苦,怨声载道。 诸局所的所作所为最终激起了人民的激愤,忍无可忍的百姓揭竿而起,反抗统治阶 级的压迫;同时,新兴的金朝看到北宋的虚弱本质,也乘机发动了对北宋的战争,北宋 统治宣告完结,宋徽宗本人也沦为金人的阶下之囚。 关键词:宋徽宗  诸局所  花石纲  应奉局  西城所 I Abstract Abstract Being emperor, Songhuizong (宋徽宗)named Zhao Jie (赵佶)was famous for being dissolute and fatuous. No people could contrast with him on extravagance and enjoyment. He went in for calligraphy, painting, wares and kinds of stones. He loved arts more than politics. He was dissolute and fatuous and lustful, which was a reason for him to value some persons such as Cai Jing (蔡京)in order of setting up several function departments as his place of enjoyment. To get Huashigang (花石纲)and build palaces, Songhuizong(宋徽宗)set up some bureaues as Ying Feng Bureau(应奉局)and Yu Qian Ren Chuan Bureau(御前人船所), which gathered lots of strange and valuable flowers, stones, birds and beasts. Through function department as Xi Cheng Bureau(西城所), he collected farmers’ fields to raise financial input which would support his luxury. Calligraphy and Painting Bureau(书艺局) was established in charge of calligraphy and painting. Also, Xing Xing Bureau (行幸局)was responsible for his dissolute affairs. Emperor’s losing in enjoyment resulted in the financial deficit and difficulty for people to live. Sound for blame was heard. The function departments(诸局所)aroused people’s anger due to their action. They could not bear but rev


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