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毕业设计(论文) 说明书 Ф16中心传动浓缩机设计 院(系)名称 工学院机械系 专业名称 机械设计制造及其自动化 学生姓名 沈成勇 指导教师 张绍林 2009年 03 月22 日 中心传动浓缩机 摘要 本次毕业设计的主要任务是Φ16m中心传动浓缩机整体的结构设计及优化。以方案设计和关键零部件设计为主线,以支撑件传动件承载能力校核为训练手段,以经济使用、造型美观、节能先进为目标。由于刮泥机设计涉及到污水成分、浓度、水池容积以及沉淀池的土建结构资料等;同时刮泥机零部件构成比较多且多数为标准件,所以本次设计不可能面面俱到。 本次设计首先通过给定的数据选择和确定电动机的型号和减速装置。接着在运用理论力学的知识对支架内力计算校核并设计出来。接下来对齿轮和栅条进行设计。最后对浓缩机的电气控制部分进行设计,其原则以安全、实用节能和自动化程度高。最后规定生产中的相关技术要求和产品验收规范标准。 关键词:中心传动浓缩机,结构,减速装置,支架 Center Drive Thickener Author:shen cheng yong Tutor:zhang shao li ABSTRACT The graduation projects main task isΦ16 Center Drive Thickener the structure of the overall design and optimization。Program design and critical to the design of the main components in order to support the carrying capacity of pieces of pieces of transmission check means for training to economic use, aesthetic design, energy-saving advanced targeting. Mud Scraper as a result of the design related to water composition, concentration, pool size and construction of sedimentation tanks, such as the structure of information; At the same time, Mud Scraper and more parts and components constitute the majority of standard parts, so the design can not cover everything. The design of the first set of data through to the selection and determine the type and speed of the motor device. Then in the use of theoretical knowledge of the mechanical internal forces on the stent out of the calculation and design verification. Next to the gear and rack design. Finally, Thickener control of parts of the electrical design, its principles in a safe, practical energy-saving and a high degree of automation. Finally, the production of the relevant provisions of the technical requirements and product acceptance standards. Keywords: Center Thickener transmission, structure, deceleration devices, stents 目录 1 绪论.............................................................5  1.1 浓缩机简介......



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