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摘 要 该设计的内容是设计出复读机面盖成型所用的注射模。注射模是塑料成型模具中的一种,它常用于热塑性塑料的成型。塑料注射成型是塑料成型生产中自动化程度最高、采用最广泛的一种成型方法。塑料成型制品应用广泛,特别是在电子仪表、电器设备、通信工具、生活用品等方面获得大量应用。如各种受力不大的壳体、支架、机座、结构件、装饰件等;建筑用各种塑料管材、板材和门窗异型材;塑料中空容器和各种生活用塑料制品等。 该设计对复读机面盖的工艺及其结构进行了详细的分析,阐述了模具的设计方法和步骤。包括了分型面的选择和浇注系统的设计。重点介绍了侧向分型与抽芯机构。并且对推出机构和导向机构也作出了相关介绍。然后,通过计算选择出了适合的注射机。最后,简略的说明了模具的工作过程。 关键词:注射模;塑料成型;分型面;抽芯。 Abstract Content of this design is design a reread machine cover molding used in injection mould. Injection mould is a kind of the plastic molding,it is often used in the thermoplastic plastic molding.Plastic injection molding is the highest degree of automation in the production of plastic molding and a forming method is the most widely used.Plastic molding products are widely used,especially in the electronic instruments, electrical equipment, communication tools,daily necessities,such as a large number of applications received. such as a large shell, frame, base, structural parts, decorative parts;all kinds of plastic pipe used in construction, sheet metal and profile windows and doors;;hollow plastic containers and plastic products such as life. The design of repeater cover process and its structure are analyzed in detail, the design of the mold method and steps were expounded. Including the parting surface selection and the design of gating system. Side parting and core-pulling mechanism were introduced in detail.And also made relevant to launch mechanism and steering mechanism is introduced..Then, Choose the suitable injection machine by calculation. The last,Briefly illustrate the working process of the mould. Key words: Injection mould; Plastic molding; Parting surface;Core pulling. 目 录 摘要………………………………………………………………………2 前言………………………………………………………………………5 一、设计内容及目的………………………………………………………6 二、塑件工艺分析………………………………………………………...7 三、模具结构设计………………………………………………………...8 1、分型面的选择与浇注系统的设计……………………………………….....8 2、成型部件的设计……………………………………………………………10 3、侧向分型与抽芯机构……………………………………………………....14 4、结构零部件设计……………………………………………………………15 5、推出机构的设计……


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