高中英语 Period 4Direct Speech Indirect Speech课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

高中英语 Period 4Direct Speech Indirect Speech课件 新人教版必修1.ppt

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Unit 2 English around the world Period 4 Structures: Direct Speech Indirect Speech Learning Objectives: You will be able to report command and request using indirect speech Find out the differences between command and request T: Open the window. T: Pass on the book to Lucy. T: Will you please close the door? Discovering useful structures Find the rules Look at these examples. (command) (warming up) Would you please come up to my flat for a visit? (request) (reading) “Look at these examples,” the teacher said to us. The teacher told us to look at those examples. “Would you please come up to my flat for a visit?” she said. She asked me to go up to her flat for a visit. Summary: 祈使句 直引:主语+动词+“祈使句” 间引:主语+动词+to Verb e.g. The teacher said to me, “Come in .” The teacher told me to go in 。 John said to me , “Please shut the window。” John asked me to shut the window。 1.祈使句变为间接引语,主要使用动词不定式。 2.谓语动词要做一定变化。 表命令,用tell,order,command等。 表请求,用ask,beg,request等。 表忠告,用 advise。 P89 Practice 1. Ex3 on P.12 2. Ex4 on P.12 Homework Finish Ex2 on P.50 * ?1.He said: “I’ve left my pen in my room.”→ He told me that he had left his book in his room. She said that he would be busy. 2.She said: “He will be busy.”→ Review 3.She said to Tom, “Can you help me?”→ ?She asked Tom if/whether he could help her. 1. 陈述句的间接引语—连接词用that, 在 口语中可省略。引述动词用said, told,等。 例如: He said: “I’ve left my book in my room.” → He told me that he had left his book in his room. Review the Rules 2.疑问句的间接引语。一般疑问句后连接 词用if或whether,而引述选择疑问句时 只能用whether,引述动词用asked,没 有间接引语的可以加一个间接宾语me, him等。 例如: She said to Tom, “Can you help me?” → She asked Tom if /whether he could help her. 3. 特殊疑问句用原句中的疑问词作连接词,改为陈述语序。例如: → The teacher asked me how I had repaired it. The teacher asked, “how did you repair it?” 4.如何变时态: 直接引语 间接引语 一般现在时 一般将来时 现在进行时 一般过去时 现在完成时 过去完成时 一般过去时 过去将来时 过去进行时 过去完成时 过去完成时 过去完成时 如: 1) She said. “I



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