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摘 要 现代运动训练实践已经表明 科学安排赛前训练 对于运动员能否在重大比 赛中创造优异运动成绩 夺取比赛胜利起着至关重要的作用 而最佳竞技状态能 否在比赛中表现出来 则是赛前训练之关键所在 本文以山东省摔跤队为例 对其备战第十届全国运动会的赛前训练全过程进 行了调查 围绕着摔跤运动员赛前竞技状态的评定与训练调节策略展开了研究 并得到以下主要研究结论 1 采用适用的手段和方法 可以对运动员赛前竞技状态的形成状况进行 科学的诊断和评定 本文从构建优秀摔跤运动员竞技状态评定指标体系层次结构 模型入手 制定了各类评定指标的标准和权重 采用定性与定量相结合的模糊综 合评判方法 对优秀摔跤运动员赛前竞技状态进行了诊断分析 2 模糊综合评判的方法具有定性与定量相结合 能够充分吸纳各类评定 人员意见等特点 专家认可度检验说明 此方法的评定结果可信 可靠 可用于 优秀摔跤运动员赛前竞技状态的评定 3 本文从训练学角度入手 针对影响摔跤运动员最佳竞技状态形成的训 练时间 训练内容 方法与手段 负荷节奏安排等因素进行了分析讨论 对于可 能出现的问题提出了相应的调节策略 关键词 摔跤 赛前训练 竞技状态 模糊综合评价 调节策略 I ABSTRACT Modern sports exercise practice has shown that scientific arrangement in pre-competition period is vital for athletes to get excellent athletic performance and win the match in the important games. And the key of pre-competition is whether the best competitive state can occur in the games or not. The paper takes Shandong wrestling team as an example, and fathoms the research on evaluation and adjustment of wrestling athletes’ best competitive state in pre-competition by tracking and investigating its overall process of pre-competition before the 10th national game. Main conclusions as follows: (1) Using applied ways and means can diagnose and evaluate formation condition of athlete’s competitive state. The paper proceeds diagnosis and analysis for excellent wrestling athlete’s competitive state by constructing the hierarchical structure model of synthetic evaluation index system of wrestling athlete’s competitive state and establishing evaluation indexes’ weighting and criteria and adopting the method of fuzzy comprehensive evaluation. (2) The method of fuzzy com



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