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第 卷 第 期 测 绘 学 报 ,
43 3 Vol.43 No.3
年 月 ,
2014 3 Acta Geodaetica et Carto ra hica Sinica Mar.2014
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引文格式: , , []
GONG Jian a LI Xiaolon WU Hua i.S atiotem oral Data Model for Real-time GIS J .Acta Geodaetica et Carto ra hica
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龚健雅 李小龙 吴华意 实时 时空数据模型 测绘学报
Sinica 2014 43 3 226-232. . GIS J . 2014 43 3 226-232.DOI 10.13485 .j
实时GIS 时空数据模型
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龚健雅 李小龙 吴华意
武汉大学 测绘遥感信息工程国家重点实验室 湖北 武汉 430079
S atiotem oral Data Model for Real-time GIS
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GONG Jian a LI Xiaolon WU Hua i
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State Ke Laborator of Information En ineerin in Surve in Ma in and Remote Sensin Wuhan Universit
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Wuhan 430079 China
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Abstract In order to satisf the re uirement of real-time observation data ac uisition stora e
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anal sis and visualization for movin ob ect and sensor a new t e of GIS real-time GIS is
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needed to develo .A real-time GIS s atiotem oral data model is ro osed
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