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“网络红人”现象的探微 作 者 XXX 指导教师 XXX 摘要:互联网时代的来临改变了人们的生活习惯和工作习惯,更是以让人意想不到的速度改变着人们的观念。“网络红人”应运而生,历经十余年的发展变化,至今仍保持着生命力。业界学者们都肯定了网络传播的特性使“网络红人”成名的速度更快,更新换代更频繁。网络时代这种平民化的娱乐方式为“网络红人”提供了活动舞台。同时前人也从各个方面分析了网络推手出现的必然性,阐述了“网络推手”与“网络红人”现象之间的关系。本文在借鉴大量前人著作和资料的基础上,从分析网络红人出现的文化背景和网络传播的特点以及受众心理三个主要方面来探寻“网络红人”出现的原因,并将进一步整合各家之言从全局的角度去探讨“网络红人”成长的动力以及未来发展的方向。 关键词: 互联网;网络红人;议程设置;沉默的螺旋;网络推手 To explore the reasons for the Cyberspace superstar Abstract:The advent of the Internet age has changed peoples living habits and work habits, even more unexpected is the speed of changing the mindset of the people. came into being, after more than ten years of development and change has remained a symbol of vitality. Scholars have affirmed the industrys transmission characteristics of the network to make cyberspace superstar fame faster, more frequent replacement. Popularization of the Internet age forms of entertainment such as cyberspace superstar provides a movable stage. At the same time analysis of various aspects of their predecessors from the network to push the inevitability of hands appeared to explain the network Pushing hands and cyberspace superstar phenomenon relationship. In this paper, reference books and information on a large number of their predecessors, based on the network Reds emerged from the analysis of the cultural background and network transmission characteristics of the audience to explore the three main areas of psychology cyberspace superstar appeared reason. And will further integrating with words from the overall point of view of cyberspace superstar appeared the causes and an engine for growth and future direction of development. Key words:, , , , , , , , , , , , ,, 100名的点击率,1.网络传播的特性 互联网以让人意想不到的光速发展着,人们将它誉为“第四媒介”。与传统媒介不同的是,新媒介集中了人类传播史上书籍、报刊、广播、电视等所有媒介形式的特征,并且它融人际传播、群体传播、组织传播和大众传播于一体,四种传播方式可以相互交叉重叠,因此网络上的信息交流呈现复杂多变的形态。它拥有海量信息且传播速度很快,信息更新也就更频繁。而且网络媒体的版面不受空间的制约,频道的更新也没有固定的周期。互联网可以快速地传输文字、图片、声音,速度极快且不受印刷、运输和发行等因素的限制。此外它更是传播史上的一次改革,它改变了传受关系,打破了以传播者为主导的传播模式。作为大众媒介的网络媒体


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