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摘要, 【关键词 Abstract Mobile phone appearance make it reality to communicate with people desire whenever and wherever possible, and the more and more popular with the mobile phone, mobile phone consumption crowd is more and more large. Among them, college students have become mobile phone market gradually rise of a force can not be ignored. College Students mobile phone market is a tremendous vitality of market space, student market is in the mobile phone industry is faced with intense market competition situation remains to develop market. Because the university students, especially his idea and consumptive behavior, so understanding consumer behavior of college students and psychology on the mobile phone business has important practical significance. This article through to the Zibo city college students doing questionnaire survey, an analysis of college students consumption psychology and behavior characteristics of college students, points out that the development of the mobile marketing strategy should cater to students pursuing novelty, pay attention to the purchase experience, the need to provide a three-dimensional integrated brand or product information, improve the various services platform to buy the product, and to further strengthen the university students and affinity, improve the marketing effect. Key words:Mobile phone market;Consumer behavior; Strategy 淄博市大学生手机市场消费行为调查与分析 1 引言 随着我国经济稳定持续的增长,移动通信市场急速增长,其突出表现就是手机的普及和数量的上升,在相对较短的时间内形成了一个充满巨大活力的手机产业。随着对外开放程度日益加大,国产品牌手机和国外品牌手机的争夺市场的战争逐渐升温,使得手机产业成为了竞争非常激烈的一个产业。随着科学技术的日益发展,手机的功能越来越完善。手机生产商要想在激烈的手机市场分得利益,就需要了解消费者手机消费行为,细分市场,针对不同细分市场开发不同的营销策略,以拓展市场。学生消费者在手机消费市场,是一个不可忽视的消费的主要力量。纵观今天的校园,大学生几乎人人一部手机已成为现实,即使在??发达地区初中校园,已经有了较高的普及率。低龄化已成为手机消费的趋势。以学生作为消费者的代表,通过对这个细分市场的手机消费者行为的研究,为我们制定有针对性的经营策略提供了依据,使产品受到消费者的认可和接受的,建立在市场竞争中的优势。 本文通过对淄博市大学生的手机消费行为展开研究调查。揭示各种因素对大学生手机消费行为的影响,从而为营销策略提供可靠的依据。 2 消费行为理论概述 美国市场营销协会( A MA) 把消费者行为定义为: 是感知、认知、行为以及环境因素的动态互动过程, , , , 2.1.1 个人因素 个人因素主要有收入、性别、年龄、生活方式、所处的生活环境等因素。年龄通常是用来划分消费者的标准。不同


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