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北京市朝阳区网球俱乐部发展现状调查 摘 要 自新中国成立之后,随着中国政府对网球运动的重视,这项贵族运动项目开始慢慢普及到民间。作为首都的北京,受国际影响较大,也是政府政策实施力度最大以及最早的城市。而网球俱乐部则是大众网球发展最基本的形式。本文运用文献资料法、问卷调查法和数理统计法对北京朝阳区10家网球俱乐部发展现状进行调查,发现网球俱乐部融资困难,场地缺乏,教练员团队整体技术水平与执教能力不高,人们参加网球俱乐部费用较高等是制约北京朝阳区网球俱乐部发展的因素,并提出网球俱乐部资产证劵化、增加网球教练培训机构等措施,解决北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的发展问题。 【关键词】 北京市朝阳区 网球俱乐部 发展现状 Survey on the current development of tennis clubs in Chaoyang district of Beijing Abstract Since the founding of New China, as the Chinese government paid increasing attention to the importance of the sport of tennis, this aristocratic sport began to slowly spread to the general public. As the capital, Beijing received more international influence, and was also a city where government policy was implemented earlier and more decisively. The tennis club is the most basic organizational form for developing tennis among the public.In this thesis,the literature data method.questionnaire survey and mathematical statistics to Beijing chaoyang district 10 tennis club financing difficulties,the lack of,the coach team overall technical level and teaching ability is not high,the people taking part in the tennis club is restricted by the higher cost of chaoyang district,Beijing tennis club development factors,and put forward the tennis club card,increase the coupon assert tennis coach training institution and other measures to solve the Bejing chaoyang district in the tennis club development. 【Key Words】Chaoyang district of Beijing The tennis clubs The Current Development 目 录 1前言 1 2研究对象与方法 1 2.1研究对象 1 2.2研究方法 1 2.2.1 文献资料法 1 2.2.2问卷调查法 1 2.2.3 数理统计法 1 3研究结果与分析 1 3.1北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的基本情况 1 3.1.1北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的规模 1 3.1.2北京朝阳区网球俱乐部营业高峰时段 2 3.1.3北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的收费状况 3 3.1.4北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的广告宣传方式 3 3.2北京朝阳区网球俱乐部的会员情况 4 3.2.1北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员的年龄 4 3.2.2北京朝阳区会员参与网球俱乐部的频率 4 3.2.3北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员每次参与网球运动的平均时长 4 3.2.4北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员参加网球运动的球龄 5 3.2.5北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员对价格的态度 5 3.2.6影响北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员参与网球运动的因素 5 3.2.7北京朝阳区网球俱乐部会员参与网球运动的收获 6 3.3北京朝阳区网球俱乐部教练员的基本情况 6 3.3.1北京朝阳区网球俱乐部教练员的等级状况 6 3


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