SKS Kosher认证申请表(青岛赛克斯).docVIP

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SKS Kosher认证申请表(青岛赛克斯).doc

APPLICATION FOR KOSHER CERTIFICATION All information submitted to the SKS Shatz Kosher Services will be kept in the strictest confidence. Completion of this application does not authorize you to use the SKS Shatz Kosher Services symbol for any purpose, including advertising or public notices. Such permission may be granted only after a certification contract is executed and a Kosher Certificate is issued. (所有向SKS提交的资料,SKS都将履行保密义务。提交此申请并非表明已通过SKS认证,故此时不得使用SKS认证标记及做任何的商业宣传。只有通过认证,并得到SKS证书后,才可使用由SKS提供的标记及做商业宣传。) INSPECTION OF THE RABBI TO YOUR PLANT SKS Shatz Kosher Services will make a convenient date for A Rabbi Representing the SKS Shatz Kosher Services to perform an initial inspection of the manufacturing plant.. The Rabbi will then carry out the thorough inspection of the entire process from manufacturing through to packaging. The Rabbi will also take the time to explain to you what Kosher is about and how your plant will be able to get certified. You may take this opportunity to ask the Rabbi your questions on Kosher and the Kosher market. 拉比视察工厂 SKS 将安排一个合适的视察时间安排一位拉比代表 SKS公司去视察工厂。拉比将视察从加工到包装的全过程。拉比也将拿出专门的时间向您解释什么是Kosher 和您的工厂怎样才能通过认证。您也可以利用这个机会咨询拉比您的问题和Kosher市场。 INSPECTION FEE There will be an initial inspection fee of $1000 USD or 7000 RMB to cover expenses of SKS Shatz Kosher Services , This fee is un-refundable. 视察费 视察费1000美元或7000人民币,视察费是拉比的差旅及其它费用(属于总的费用中的一部分)。视察费一旦发生将不退还。 SKS Shatz Kosher Services will do the outmost to assist the factory to pass the Kosher certification Process by recommending if necessary the proper changes in the production process or Recommend alternate raw materials or Raw material suppliers. SKS 将尽最大努力帮助工厂通过Kosher认证,如果有必须改造的地方,拉比会给您合适的建议,包括对生产流程的正确改造或着向您推荐需要替换的原材料或原材料供货商。 Date(日期)_______________________ Signature(签名)____________________Title(职务_________________________ COMPANY INFORMATION(公司信息) Company name(公司名称)_________________________________ Mailing address(邮政地址)____________________________________________ City(城市名) _Nanj



