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摘要:在近年来我国商品市场价格战的连绵不断有其特殊的历史背景和原因,因而企业在价格战面前需要采取相应的策略。本文对价格战的原因进行了论述,阐明了价格战的后果,归纳了应对价格战的措施。近年来中国商品市场上价格战在各行各业频繁发生,于是出现了各种各样的价格协定、价格联盟,甚至采取各种手段促使国家政府出面阻止价格战。然而,所有这一切都未能使战火熄灭,反而越烧越旺,从彩电到VCD、钢材、建材、微波炉、冰箱、洗衣机、计算机,再到空调、服装等等,几乎无一幸免。为什么中国的价格战会持续进行,且会如此剧烈?其深层次的原因是什么?作为企业,该怎么面对各种各样的价格战? 本文通过研究价格战的原因与对策的问题,分别对当前我国价格战频发的原因、价格战利弊进行了分析,提出了价格战的对策分析,希望为相关领域的研究提供一定的借鉴。Abstract: In recent years Chinas commodities market price case of continuous has its special historical background and reasons, and thus enterprise in front of the need to take corresponding price war strategy. This paper discusses the reason of price war, expounds the consequences of a price war are summarized, and the measures to deal with price war. In recent years Chinese market price war in all walks of frequent, so appeared various price agreement, price alliance, and even take various measures to national government stop price war. However, all this failed to make war to put out, but the hotter the fire, from color TV to VCD, steel, building materials, microwave oven, refrigerators, washing machines, computer, and then to air conditioning, clothing, etc., almost none escape by luck. Why are Chinas price war will continue to be so severe and? What is deep reason? As the enterprise, how to face all kinds of price war? This article through studies the reasons and countermeasures of price war, to the current price war in China were frequent reason, the price war disadvantages are analyzed, and the countermeasure analysis of price war, hope for related area of research to provide the reference. 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 Key words: The price war; The advantages and disadvantages; countermeasures 目 录 1前言 - 1 - 1.1研究背景 - 1 - 1.2国内外研究现状 - 1 - 1.2.1国外研究现状 - 1 - 1.2.2国内研究现状 - 2 - 1.3理论意义及应用价值 - 2 - 2基本理论概述 - 4 - 2.1价格战的本质 - 4 - 2.2价格战的分类 - 4 - 2.2.1正常的价格战 - 4 - 2.2.2恶性的价格战 - 5 - 3我国价格战频发的原因分析 - 6 - 3.1扩大市场份额 - 6 - 3.2夺取先行优势 - 6 - 3.3达到薄利多销 - 7 - 3.4行业集中与夹缝求存 - 7 - 4价格战利弊分析 - 8 - 4.1价格战对企业整体竞争力的影响 - 8 - 4.2价格战对技术创新的影响 - 8 - 4.3价格战


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