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4 9 环境 工程学 报 V o l. 4, N o. 9
2 0 1 0 9 Ch inese Journal of Env ironm enta l Eng ineering Sep . 2 0 1 0
1 2, 3
李英军 何小松
( 1. , 100012 2. , 10087 5
3, 100012)
, ( DOM )
, 7 () ,
( 1 000 mg /L ) , ( 3 m g / L ) , ,
, COD (R = 0917, P 005) ,
, ,
X705 A 167 39108( 20 10) 092 13506
Study on characteristics of dissolved organic matter during
composting of chicken m anure
1 2, 3
L i Y ingjun H e X iaosong
( 1. Beijing V ocational College of A gricu lture, Beijing 1000 12, Ch in a
2. S chool of Env ironm ent, Be ijing N orm al U n iv ersity, B eijing 100875, Ch ina
3L aboratory ofW ater Env ironm en tal Sy stem Eng ineering, Ch inese R esearch A cad emy of En v ironm ental Science, B eijing 1000 12, Ch ina)
Abstract In th is study, typ ica l sm a llm o lecule organ ic ac ids, phosphoric ac id, and fluo rescence o rgan ic
m atter from ch icken m anure at different stages w ere stud ied by ion chrom atography and threed mi en sional excita
t ionem ission fluorescence spectra, resp ective ly. T he results show ed that, am ong the seven acids studied ( acetic
acid, succinic ac id, m alic acid, oxa lic ac id, c itric ac id, tartaric acid and phosphoric ac id) , the content of m a
lic acid w as the h ighest( 1 000 m g /L ) , wh ile th at of oxalic ac id the low est( 3 m g /L ), su ccin ic and c itric
acid w ere not detected. During