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2001年度1号期刊 97篇 Record 1 of 50 Author(s): Jacobs, AFG; van de Wiel, BHJ; Holtslag, AAM Title: Daily course of skewness and kurtosis within and above a crop canopy Source: AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY, 110 (2): 71-84 DEC 27 2001 Language: English Document Type: Article Author Keywords: skewness; kurtosis; sweep; ejection; canopy layer; roughness layer; night-time updrafts; Gaussian distribution Keywords Plus: PLANT CANOPY; TURBULENCE; LAYER; FOREST; CONVECTION Abstract: A measurement program is carried out within as well as above a maize crop canopy. Statistical characteristics are analyzed for the velocity components as well as for temperature for a clear weather day as well as a cloudy day. During daytime it appears that the above and within-canopy characteristics are dominated by sweeps, which means a positive u-skewness and a negative omega-skewness. During daytime the within-canopy omega-kurtosis is extremely high due to strong turbulence events of sweeps as well as ejections. During night-time, hot plumes released from the soil surface dominate the extremes, which results in a positive w-skewness, above as well as within the canopy. The temperature skewness is mostly positive within as well as above the canopy. After mid-day on the clear day with low wind conditions, however, the within-canopy skewness for temperature is negative nearly throughout the whole canopy due to sweeps from a relatively high and cool level. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Addresses: Univ Wageningen Res Ctr, Meteorol Air Qual Grp, NL-6700 HB Wageningen, Netherlands Reprint Address: Jacobs, AFG, Univ Wageningen Res Ctr, Meteorol Air Qual Grp, Duivendaal 2, NL-6701 AP Wageningen, Netherlands. Cited References: BENDAT JS, 1971, RANDOM DATA ANAL MEA. BOSVELD FC, 1999, BOUND-LAY METEOROL, V93, P171. GAO W, 1989, BOUND-LAY METEOROL, V47, P349. HOLTSLAG AAM, 1986, BOUND-LAY METEOROL, V36, P201. JACOBS AFG, 1988, AGR FOREST METEOROL, V42, P53. JACOBS A


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