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本科毕业论文 (20 届) 350T推钢机传动部分设计 专业:机械设计制造及其自动化 摘 要 推钢机是位于加热炉炉后辊道旁,用于将辊道输送来的钢坯推进加热炉,当加热炉内装满钢坯后,推钢机在推入一块钢坯的同时,在炉前推出一块已加热好的钢坯滑入炉前辊道,由辊道将其送往轧机进行轧制。本次设计主要对350吨推钢机的传动部分进行设计计算。主要内容为传动级数的选择,传动比的分配,传动方式选择以及传动齿轮和轴的设计计算。本次设计主要的难点为较大传动比的分配和轴扭断现象的解决。目前,推钢机的种类主要有螺旋式、齿条式、曲柄连杆式和液压式,其性能和要求各不相同。根据各种推缸机的特点,结合350吨推钢机推力大、行程大的特点,我选用传动效率高、使用可靠、行程大的齿条式结构。本次设计的结构分为概论、传动比电动机的选择、齿轮设计计算及强度校核、轴的设计计算及强度校核、结论、致谢、参考文献这六部分。传动比的分配方式有按最大运动精度分配传动比、按最小转动惯量分配传动比、按最小体积分配各级传动比。由于350T推钢机运动精度要求不高,体积较大,高强度低速度的特点,选择传动比分配方式为按最小体积分配传动比。 关键字:推钢机;减速器;传动机构 Abstract The abschieber locates besides the roller way at the back of the heating furnace, which is used to pushing the billets from the roller way to the heating furnace. This project makes design and calculation mainly on the transmission part of the 350-ton abschieber. The main content is about the selection of transmission level and mode, the distribution of transmission ratio, and the design and calculation on the transmission gear and axis. When the heating furnace is full of billets, the abschieber would push the billet that already heated to the place in front of the furnace while adding a new billet into it. And then the heated billet would be transported into the rolling mill. The difficulty of this project is mainly on how to solve the phenomenon of axis twisting and distribute a relatively larger ratio. Nowadays, the abschieber has three types, which are screw type, rack type, crank connecting type and hydraulic type. Different types have different functions and requirements. Faults: leak, often maintenance, the high cost of single machine According to the characteristics of various push cylinder machine, combined with 350 tons of steel machine thrust large tyre travel, I choose the characteristics of high transmission efficiency, use reliable upper-and-lower travel in structure. Rack type push by the transmission device (steel machine motor and reducer, coupling and gear axle, rack, pressure roller), push-rod, base and travel controller etc. The st


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