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毕业设计 BBS论坛系统的设计与实现 班 级: 学号: 姓 名: 曹宏 学 院: 华中科技软件学院 专 业: 软件工程 指导教师: BBS论坛系统的设计与实现 摘要 MySQL数据库技术实现对系统中涉及的数据信息进行管理,最后利用JSP技术进一步具体实现论坛网站各项功能,并用Tomcat作为服务器支持其运行。运行调试确保网站的正常工作。 网站设计在Windows 7操作系统环境下,构建JSP技术的运行环境JDK+Tomcat,并通过运用Java嵌入式语言实现动态的,交互的web服务器运行程序,实现论坛网站的基本功能。 关键词:JSP技术;SQL数据库 Design and implementation of BBS system Abstract Today , the internet maked full use and the fast-paced life,people need a flat to share and communicate the information. Now,all kinds of systems like a forum website realize human’s requirements,to get the usefull news and exchanging with others,and convenienting they expend the knowledge. The thesis expounds how to design a forum website and the process in chief. It introduces the environment for realizing the website , describes the idea and procedures in detail and explains how to establish a data base and the problem of connecting with the program , at the same time , show the way to design and relize of the website. The main work is to design and relize the a forum websites important function , such as browse ,publish, reply cards in the forum and the function of a system administrator to manage the backstage , like deteling cards and information of users , seting up the right of a user. The principal function of the forum is exchanging important information with the others by publishing and replying the cards. At first, thesis analyses the demand of users and designs the whole function of the system. Secondly , using the data base technology as MySQLrelize the manage of the data. At last, making use of the JSP technology relize the function of the forum in detail and take advantage of the tomcat as the server to movethe system . Moving and debugging to make the system work. Design the website at Windows XP system, build JDK+TOMCAT , that is the move environmentof the JSP tech



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